
Dec 21, 2012


Things are heating up around here. Lots of fun things happening as the book launch approaches. Here is the trailer that ran on last week. Love it!

Dec 20, 2012

It's here! THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT is here!

All I want to do is stare... but I'm on deadline for INTO THE STILL BLUE. 

Stare for me? Pretty please? 

Couldn't be more thrilled. Could. Not. 

This book is stunning in person. Just... wow.
I can't wait for you all to read it. And hold it. And everything. 

You can't really tell but the lower portion looks like it's backlit. By Aether.

Don't they look so happy together?

Couldn't resist.

This is on my desk right now. Very distracting. Very gorgeous, too.

Dec 10, 2012

Signed Copies of UTNS & TTEN & Tour Dates!

support your local bookstores. look how cute they are
SIGNED COPIES - Just a quick reminder, if you would like to purchase a signed copy of UNDER THE NEVER SKY, please contact my local independent bookseller, Rakestraw Books, (925) 837-7337. Hard & paperbacks available. Order soon if you're buying for the holidays.

If you're looking for signed copies of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, those will be available early 2013.

All orders will receive signed bookmarks and temporary falcon tattoos that are actually quite awesome. My friends and I might be a little addicted to them.

DARK DAYS TOUR! - I'm thrilled to share these tour stops with you. Come see meee!!! I give good hugs. And I'll have fun UTNS-related treats. And we'll hang out and chitchat about books and Perry and Roar and Aria and everything. Plus I'll be with some of my favorite favorite authors. Info HERE or over on the Appearances page.

Dec 8, 2012

One Month To Go

Only one month left until THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT hits the shelves (and e-readers.) I can't wait for you all to read it, but at the same time, I'm nervous. I really, really hope you like it.

Some cool news: The Atlantic called UNDER THE NEVER SKY the most cinematic YA book of 2012. Such a great honor. Here's the article.

Finally, here's a shot of the finished TTEN cover, courtesy of Gillian Wise over at Harper. Stunning, right? I can't wait for those to be MY fingers. Heee!

Dec 3, 2012

UTNS Reread & Paperbacks

A couple of quick things.

1. Pitch Dark is hosting a reread of UNDER THE NEVER SKY starting tonight. Join in and you could win a finished copy of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. For more go here.

2. Tomorrow, paperback copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY will be on sale. I just got my copies and they are gorgeous. (I may be biased.) Here's a shot.

3. Only two more days to enter to win a signed hardcopy of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Info here.

Nov 30, 2012

SLJ Best Book & TTEN Teaser

I'm so thrilled to share this news with you. UNDER THE NEVER SKY was selected by School Library Journal as a Best Book of 2012. I really can't describe to you how honored I am. How incredible it feels to see my name alongside writers who I look up to immensely. This is one of the "life achievements" for me. Right up there with the big ones. Truly, I'm just blown away. Thank you so much for supporting the book. And SLJ, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Here's something fun. This was sent to me by a friend who has read THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. Sexy, yes? I actually love the scene this excerpt comes from, and can't wait for you guys to read it. Just five more weeks!

Nov 28, 2012

Bloggers Rock

One of the best parts of being a writer has been getting to know readers, fans, and especially bloggers. Take a look at this beautiful banner created by blogger The Authoress.

Six weeks until THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT! I can't wait for you guys to read it. A couple of you have! Here are a few early reactions that I love.

Good Choice Reading

Two Chicks on Books

Magical Urban Fantasy Reads


If you just can't wait until January 8th to read it, head over to Zach's blog to enter for a chance to win an early copy!

Now back to book three....

Nov 12, 2012

Goodreads Semi-Finals

Quick and dirty, since I stink.

(Allow me to explain. I rode a horse today. So it's a good horsey kind of stink.)

1) UNDER THE NEVER SKY has made it to the semi-final rounds of Goodreads YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi Best Book of 2012! Such an honor. Man. The books that my book is in the running with (against? with?) are insane. I'm so honored. If you liked UTNS, please vote! Much appreciated!

2) I am almost done with drafting INTO THE STILL BLUE, and guys, I might be in love with this book. It might be the best one I've ever written. Or drafted. We shall see, but I'm excited.

3) Cross your fingers for me. This Wednesday my agent presents my new project/brain child/idea thing to my editor. I can't get into specifics, but this idea is keeping me up at night. If I can get it anywhere close to as epic on the page as it is in my head, then... just whoa.

4) I need to go shower!

Thank you for coming by! Stay awesome.

And to all the Veterans out there, THANK YOU! 

Nov 6, 2012

Oct 30, 2012

Another Chance to Win THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT

A few announcements...

Just found out! If you missed out earlier, here is another chance to win an advanced reader copy of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT.

Thank you for all the support on the launch of ROAR AND LIV today. I'm so happy Roar's story is out there finally!

GOODREADS BEST OF 2012 - This was a total shock. I am THRILLED to see UNDER THE NEVER SKY in the company of such amazing novels. If you are a fan, your support would be greatly appreciated!

Roar and Liv!

This! Today!

If you've read it, would love to know your thoughts.

And to those dealing with Sandy, stay safe.

Oct 18, 2012

North Carolina & A Bit of Madness

Briefly, because I'm in the throes of drafting INTO THE STILL BLUE...

1. BOOK SIGNING -- I will be signing in Charlotte, North Carolina THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 with the amazing Talia Vance, Katherine Longshore and Donna Cooner. Come see us!


4:30-6:00   BOOK SIGNING hosted by Park Road Books
                            ImaginOn, 300 East Seventh St., Charlotte, NC 28202 

Check out this gorgeous cover by UK Publisher Atom!
2. NOVELLA -- Twelve days until ROAR AND LIV. Buy it for yourself for Halloween, even though it's not super scary. I mean, it's exciting. And tense. And romantical. But not really super scary.

Here's a little teaser of Roar's POV:

I draw a deep breath, feeling Liv’s weight against my chest, smelling salt and water and fire in the air. After a little while, I hear what I’ve been waiting for. Husky and pure, Liv’s laugh is the best sound in the world. 

3. CONTEST -- Books for winners of the ARC contest arrived from Harper. (Thank you, Harper!) Aren't they pretty? They will ship out next week.

Here they are on my couch. That's a lot of Perrys.

4.  BLOG -- I'm over at the YA Muses blog today talking about finding balance in life, particularly for writers. But, hey... take it with a grain of salt ;)

5. THROES -- Finally, this is what I mean by the throes of Book Three...

When I talk about the Writing Cave, this is what I mean.
Very cave-ey.

Thanks, all!

Oct 12, 2012


Thank you so much to everyone who entered to win an ARC of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. I have read all your entrees—and I’m overwhelmed by your support of the series. What I didn’t expect was how moving your answers would turn out to be. You’ve reminded me of so many important things.

Here are a few of them:
  • Tests are hard, but if we prepare, we can succeed. Some of you have mastered Calculus and Physics. I stand in awe. Truly.
  • Our health should be a top priority/I’m not the only one wishing I could shed a few pounds. Some of you have, and I applaud you. Thank you for inspiring me to renew my commitment to a good diet and regular exercise.
  • Families—our parents, our children, our sisters and brothers—are what bring us our deepest satisfaction.
  • Friends are what give our life color.
  • Bullies suck. (I hope that wasn’t a bully thing to say.)
  • Sometimes the small things—like opening a can of tuna with a new opener—can be just the thing to make us feel great, if we allow it to be.
  • Going the extra mile—helping a neighbor, stepping in when no one else will—feels great. We should do it more often, yes?
  • Some of you are writers and bloggers—hooray for finishing the draft! The chapter! For the new followers! I know how hard y’all are working. Picture me handing you orange slices and Gatorade! Keep it up! That’s how things get done. Simple as that.
  • You have baked cakes, survived seventh grade, adopted puppies, landed jobs, left jobs, kissed your kids, helped your friends, held back words when it was right, danced and sang in front of others despite your shyness, and offered encouragement when it was needed.
  • You are students, bloggers, writers, librarians, mothers, neighbors, friends, sisters, bakers. You are forgiving, generous, hard-working, and courageous.
  • I think you are all amazing.

OK. Switching gears. I contacted my publisher and told them how incredible you all are. I was hoping they would send 500 ARCs so I could mail one to each of you.

Alas, that didn't happen. But Harper did offer to send me TWENTY ARCs, which means that twenty of you, not three, will receive an ARC, which I think is pretty great. Thank you, Harper!

I have your email addresses—or a means to get a hold of those of you who’ve been selected. Congratulations! I’ll be in touch today. 

For those of you who didn’t win, I’m sorry. I tried, really. But I hope you’ll still check out the book in January, and Roar and Liv later this month. And thank you so much for taking the time to share your proud moments with me.

This was one of the coolest things I’ve been a part of in a long time.

Oh, I guess I should say it this way:

The last thing I did that I’m proud of is connecting with all of you.

Oct 3, 2012


ROAR AND LIV will be released in less than a month! To celebrate, I’ve decided to give away three ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT.

Open to US Residents only. (Sorry!)

To enter, leave a comment below answering the following question:

The last thing I did that I’m proud of is ______ .

It can be big or small—anything really. (Opened the door for someone, finished a book, aced a test, etc.) Your answers will NOT have any bearing on who wins. I just think we should pat ourselves on the back a little bit more than we do, and I know you guys are awesome, and I want to read all the reasons why.


Enter from now until end of day, October 10th.

I will draw the winners at random and announce them on October 12th.

You don't have to post your email to enter if that sort of thing makes you squicky. When I choose the contest winners, I will figure out a way to get in touch with you via twitter or whatnot. (But you are all winners, you know this yes?) If you already posted your email, well then, thanks. That does make it a little easier for me.

You can enter up to three times.

You can’t enter by tweeting about the contest, but I’d appreciate your helping in spreading the word!

Good luck!

Sep 27, 2012

Best book of the year

This one.

For more, go here.

Sep 18, 2012

Hanging on to summer

Some good beach graffiti, Morro Beach, California

Sep 12, 2012


An open letter to France, in celebration of UNDER THE NEVER SKY's publication there today.

A handful of years ago, while I was an art student here in California, I signed up for a semester of study abroad. In the program, I would spend a few days in Paris, followed by several months in Italy.

From the moment I arrived in Paris, I felt like I had appeared on a movie set. The architecture was gorgeous. The people were beautiful. Everything was so… stylish.

I had many unforgettable experiences while I was there. Everywhere I looked, I saw elegance and history. The Louvre blew my artist’s mind. A few friends convinced me to go to Pere Lechaise, which was an experience that was historically enlightening, and spine-tinglingly eerie. The Palais Garnier made such an impression on me that it appears, quite importantly, in my novel.

I ate many wonderful meals in Paris but one of my most memorable dinners happened, a bit oddly, at a Greek restaurant. I can’t remember the name of the place. What I remember is that about a dozen art students and myself ended up eating there one night, and a full plate-smashing, dancing until three in the morning affair ensued.

Paris, you have it all.

One of my dearest friends here in California is from Belfort (do any of you know Valerie? She’s wonderful.) Valerie tells me stories of how much more France has to offer outside of Paris. I wish I could have seen that for myself. One day, I will.

For now, I will content myself by knowing that my book is there, and that my characters are seeing a bit more of France than I could.

I hope you enjoy the novel. And thank you for reading.

Sep 6, 2012

A few announcements

Cutting to the chase here because Book Three is calling me:

US Readers: Ebook deal: UNDER THE NEVER SKY only $2.99.

Roar interviews Perry for the first (and last) time here.

For writers: Staying Sane. Or not.

Check out these cool Peregrine/UNDER THE NEVER SKY tattoos in the making.

Finally, my French publisher continues to rock:

Sep 4, 2012

Review Copies, Ebook Offer, Roar & Liv Teaser

A few things:

UTNS is now only $2.99 on KindleNook and Kobo! Guys.... you can't even get a latte for that price. Grab it now. Offer stands until September 17th. 

Also, for those looking out for the ROAR AND LIV novella, it is now available for preorder.

Review Copies

I've been getting lots of requests for ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. Also, I've been getting lots of requests from abroad for review copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY.

Thank you! I'm so happy that you want to read my book(s). (I can't overstate that.) At this time, however, I can't send out advanced reader copies, or finished copies because... well, because I don't have them. My bookshelves are full of other peoples' books... not mine. I mean, I have a few copies of mine. But very few.

Here are some suggestions for obtaining copies:

  • If they are purchasable, buy them! Hah. I jest. But really. A book is a good thing to spend money on, yo. Now, I know it's impossible to buy every single book you want, so....
  • If you can't buy a copy, check one out from your local library or share a copy with a friend
  • If you can't do that, contact HarperCollins for an ARC, or the appropriate international publisher (see the list in the Books tab.) 
  • Regarding ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, I'll be giving away a copy or two in a couple of weeks so stay tuned for that. I also believe that ARCs will be moving out into the world soon
Once again, sorry I can't mail you copies of UTNS or TTEN. I really, really wish I could!

Last but not least, the fun part!

Here is a teaser from ROAR AND LIV:

“I’m ready,” I say, against her skin. “The question is, are you?”

She stares at me.

I wait.

And wait.

“You’re killing me, Liv. Whatever it is, just tell me. What’s in your heart?”

Hee. I wrote it, but I kinda still want to know how she answers.

: )

Aug 31, 2012

Bay Area Signings & Updates on TTEN and Roar


Davis, CA - September 15th
The Avid Reader
617 Second St.  Davis, CA

with Talia Vance, Katherine Longshore and Donna Cooner


San Ramon, CA - September 29th
Info below.

Are you coming? I hope so.

In other news, THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT and ROAR AND LIV are both up on Amazon. YAYYYY. Serious yay. I would greatly appreciate your clicking LIKE if you like! 

Some of you have been asking for ARCs of TTEN. I know that my publisher will be sending some out, but don't have any details yet. I'll have answers soon for you-- along with a contest/giveaway--but I did just learn that there will be many signed ARCs at NY Comic Con this fall, so if you're in the NY area, be sure to pick one up.

Regarding ROAR AND LIV, the cover is coming soon. I can't wait for you guys to read this novella, which is a prequel to UNDER THE NEVER SKY told in Roar's POV. It's about 65 pages (or it would be, if it were printed... it will only be available as an ebook), and I've mentioned before that I could have kept going. What else can I say about it? It's mostly Roar and Liv's story, but there's plenty of Perry in there, and you'll get to see Vale and Talon too, among others. I totally loved spending time in Roar's head, and I hope you'll enjoy it one tenth as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Aug 21, 2012

Nostalgia aka I Want To Go Back To Art School

Weirdly, working on a new project has me feeling nostalgic. New project has a character who is an artist, and see, once upon a time I was an artist. I mean, I still am. But once--once--my hands were always either smudged with charcoal or paint of both. Once, I didn't own a single pair of jeans (or shoes) that weren't covered in paint. Once, I could look at any color and tell you exactly how I'd mix it on my palette. Exactly. Blue wasn't blue to me. It was Cerulean. French Ultramarine. Thalo. It was so much more than just blue.

I miss thinking like that. So I'm gonna start painting again.

I hope if there's something that you miss doing that you'll start up again, too. Let me know in the comments if you do.

I have books and books of this stuff. Interesting how we return to the same territory over and again.
I wrote this excerpt of WB Yeats "The Second Coming," above which has the lines, "The falcon cannot hear the falconer.... Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world."  Coincidence? I think not.
Oh, and if you're interested in seeing a few more of my old sketches you can stop over at my Facebook page. 

Rock on, y'all.

Aug 13, 2012

YALSA Reader's Choice & French Cover

UNDER THE NEVER SKY has made it to YALSA's Reader's Choice list! This is something Veronica never dared to even dream of! Veronica is so stunned and flattered by this turn of events that she's speaking about herself in the third person.

But seriously... Thank you readers, bloggers, friends, librarians and booksellers for supporting Aria, Perry, Roar and the rest of the NEVER SKY crew. Thank you for reading, commenting, and nominating. Thank you! 

In other news: Here's your chance to read UNDER THE NEVER SKY on the nook for just $3.99. Cast your vote to make UTNS a Nook Summer Read!

Lastly, but certainly not leastly, the Cover Gods have truly been kind. Look at this beauty, created by my wonderful French publisher, Nathan:

C'est magnifique!

Aug 10, 2012

ARCs of Through the Ever Night!

Well, helloooo precioussss!

Look what I got in the mail today! So excited to get my first copies of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. I love how it looks next to UTNS. (I can't believe it was just a year ago that I received my ARCs for UTNS. Where has the time gone, I ask?)

First, a few newsy things:

Contest - I'll be giving away an ARC of TTEN soon. Stay tuned for details.
Novella - The release date for the Roar and Liv short story has been set for October 30th. 
Writing Workshop - I'll be part of a conference in North Carolina in October. for MG and YA writers, for those of you who are interested. Details here.

Hey there, good looking. 

Even better together, yes?

One of these things is not like the other.

Go forth and read!

Jul 24, 2012

NPR List

So there's this thing NPR is doing. They've rounded up a list of 200+ YA books, and they're asking people to vote for the best teen books. Excuse me if I become a little incoherent.

Under the Never Sky made this list. Which is WIN. It's so much WIN to just be on this list, that I can't stand it. Really. Can't. I am humbled. I am proud. I am shaking.

If you're a fan of the book, here's a chance to show it. I appreciate it. Very, very much. And you can vote for up to ten titles -- and oh man, if there aren't some amazing novels over there.

The link is here. 

I just noticed who I'm sandwiched between on the list.

I'm going to go peel myself off the floor now.

Jul 10, 2012

Comic Con San Diego Signing

This Sunday I'll be at San Diego Comic Con signing copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY.

Coordinates: 1:30-2:30pm, Sunday July 15th in autograph area AA09 in the Sails Pavilion

I'll be there with Scott Westerfield, Tahereh Mafi, Leigh Bardugo, Kami Garcia, Melina Marchetta, James Dashner, Victoria Schwab, Myra McEntire, Nathan Bransford, and I need to stop because the awesomeness is killing me. I love these people, People. 

A few of you have asked if I'll have ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT and the answer is sadly, NO. However I believe they will be available soonish.

If you'll be at Comic Con, stop by and say hello so I don't feel all lonesome, k? I'll give you the inside scoop on the Roar and Liv short story :D

Jun 28, 2012


I've been staring (literally staring) at it for weeks. I'm so excited to finally share it with all of you!

I hope you love it as much as I do--and I'd love to hear your comments below. THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT will be on-sale January 8, 2013, so mark those calendars -- or pre-order now on Amazon or B&N!

Scroll down for more news.

Some of you might notice that Perry got a hair cut. Truth is, it's near impossible to find someone with the hair I picture for Per, which can best be described as post-apocalyptic surf-shag? I think he looks pretty good with shorter hair, too.

I really love the colors in this cover and how it compliments the first book... Thank you, HarperCollins design team! You've outdone yourselves! Thank you thank you thank you!

Moving on...

Roar and Liv Short Story: I'm almost finished with my first draft of the Roar and Liv short story and I'm really, really starting to wish it were a full-length book. There's something about Roar that's so fun and interesting to me--not to mention that his love for Perry and Liv is pretty darn disarming. I have absolutely loved being in his point of view and I can't wait to share this short piece with you. Stay tuned for more details!

Vacay: Finally, I'll be on vacation for the first part of July, so I might be quiet on the interwebz for a little while. Then again, maybe I won't be : )

Happy Summer! And thank you for the support. You guys make this writing thing so incredibly rewarding for me!

Jun 26, 2012

Update on My Assistants

This post has very little to do with UNDER THE NEVER SKY. It has very little to do with anything substantial, really. Don't say you weren't warned...

A few months ago, my editor asked me to put together a little video of my office and work space. She thought it might be interesting for people to see "behind the scenes." You can see it here, if you're so inclined. 

I'm probably guilty of making behind-the-scenes look a little more glamorous on the video than is actually the case. Right now, for example, I'm still in the running clothes I wore when I jogged this morning. It's hot here in Northern California and my scent has acquired a "delicate bouquet" throughout the day that might even turn Perry's nose. I digress.

My point wasn't to tell you that I'm seldom very pulled together when I write. The point was to respond to the inquiries I've received regarding my assistants, Ivan and Lola. Many of you (yes, many) have asked for an update. Here it is:

Here's the old girl, feeling miserable and smelling bad.
Doesn't she look forlorn? 
 Lola has fallen on hard times recently. Approximately two weeks ago, in the middle of the night, she was absolutely doused by a skunk. The smell was such that nausea ensued for the entire the family. Tomato juice was attempted. Store bought solutions, too. As were internet recommended treatments with warnings like: "Don't put a cap on the solution after you've mixed it or it'll explode." Nothing worked. She went to the groomer, but it was too late. Skunk juice, we were told, is oil-based and if you don't get it early, then you'll be living with it for a good long while.

Doesn't Ivan look, um, forlorn, too?

As unpleasant as the eau de skunk is for us humans, it has to be miserable for the old girl, (did you know dogs' sense of smell is 40x stronger than ours?) so I've given her a few weeks off the hard editing. She's recuperating daily. Thank you in advance for your well-wishes.

Ivan, on the other hand, spends a few hours sitting on the top porch step overseeing the neighborhood like Mufasa. Then he terrorizes birds, lizards, cats, dogs and the occasional kid for a few hours and heads inside to spend the rest of his days like this.

Such a hard life.
I have not given Ivan the summer off, but he doesn't listen. He has been warned and placed on probation. I sincerely hope he shapes up, but between you and me, his assistant position might open up soon.

There you have it. My assistants. Now back to writing.

Jun 20, 2012

Book Two Update! Comic Con in San Diego! Other Stuff!


Book Two, titled THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, is in the can, peeps. It's just gone through copy edits which means it's, like, finished-ish. Which is so exciting! I can't wait to share the story with you. And the cover. It's amazing! Stay tuned for details on that front, coming up soon.

Comic Con San Diego!
I'll be signing books on Sunday, July 15th with a slew of amazing authors including but not limited to:
Scott Westerfield, Tahereh Mafi, Leigh Bardugo, Kami Garcia, Melina Marchetta, James Dashner, Victoria Schwab, Myra McEntire, Nathan Bransford, Did I Miss Anyone? And Can You Believe This List???

Switching gears, the YA Muses are talking about Writing Highs and Lows on the blog this week. Good stuff over here.

Finally, I just want to say a blanket THANK YOU to my readers and fans. I'm really flipping lucky. You guys being a big reason why.

Stay awesome.

Jun 6, 2012

New York and Book Expo America (BEA)

Monday and Tuesday of this week, I was in New York For BEA (Book Expo America). I’d been warned about the massive scale of this convention but even so, the scope blew me away. I read that the expected attendance this year is around 30,000, which is basically a small army of book people. (And it felt like war sometimes in that exhibit floor, let me tell you.) But it was awesome to see blogging friends, author friends, and HarperCollins folks, and amazing to see the book industry supercharged and thriving. Go books!

I started the week at IDPF (the digital/ebook Con) learning about advancements going on in that end of the book spectrum. Lots of cool stuff to look forward to; ebooks are really going to transform in the coming years. Here’s a shot of this small, specialty conference within a conference which ran all day Monday and part of Tuesday. Maybe it's because I live close to Silicon Valley, but the possibilities for digitally enhancing books are really intriguing me lately.

Among many others, this painting blew me away.
I challenge you to try this pose and expression at home.
Really. Try it. I'll wait... Are you laughing yet?
This is one of the most alluring portraits I've ever seen.
No matter where I was in the Frick, there she was, watching.
After a full day of sessions, I met Donna Cooner (friend, fellow YA Muse, and author of SKINNY/Scholastic October 2012) in SoHo for sushi and blood orange martinis. They did not suck, and I was so happy to talk with Donna, whose book is on the YA BUZZ Panel, and so deserving of the honor.

On Tuesday, I started the day with my amazing editor at the Frick Collection (we’re both art nuts). I'd never been to this museum but I'll definitely go back. The collection is beautiful, and the museum itself is gorgeous.

This isn't me in the red dress, but I've decided one day I will go to a gallery in formal wear because that is just the epitome of decadent coolness
Me with the one of the YA stars of the show, Donna Cooner
I returned to BEA in the afternoon and waited in line (a very long line) to have my copy of SKINNY signed, and then went to the Apocalypsies event – another highlight of my trip. This group of 2012 debut authors is truly outstanding, talented, supportive, and I’m just dang proud to be among their ranks.

I attended the HarperCollins cocktail reception that evening. There, I met Neil Gaiman (lifelong dream – check!). I also had the opportunity to meet Veronica Roth, author of DIVERGENT and INSURGENT. Veronica and I know each other through twitter and social media, but I’d never met her in person. I suppose it won’t surprise you to know that people have confused us because of our similar names. (It’s a case of mistaken identity that’s utterly flattering to me. Those of you who have read her books know why.) Anyway, she’s an absolutely lovely person. As impressive as I knew she’d be.

Me and Tamara at the Apocalypsies event
Spending time with Tamara makes me happy, as you can see.
Her upcoming novel, Time Between Us, deals with time travel. Maybe that's why?

I had to opportunity to talk with Brian Murray as well. He’s the President and CEO or HarperCollins Publishers Worldwide. I have to say, I was incredibly impressed with how approachable, intelligent and warm he was. We spoke for a little while about the future of ebooks, a topic he’s passionate and very knowledgeable about, and I left our conversation even more inspired to venture into this territory than before.

Apocalypsie Power!
Tamara Ireland Stone, me, Donna Cooner and Tiffany Schmidt
(None of us knows Robert B. Parker, nor have we fooled him.)
(Once or twice.)
After that, I had a quick bite to eat with my editor and then met some friends for drinks back in SoHo, before turning in.

Awesome time at BEA. If you have the opportunity to go too, take it!

May 21, 2012

Book Tour, Book Two, Neil Gaiman and Solar Eclipses

Hellooooo!!! I’m back! Sorry for my extended absence. In April and earlier this month, this happened. If you were one of the amazing, awesome, amazing people who came out to say hello in one of the stops I made: thank you, thank you, thank you! It was so great meeting you--truly one of the best parts of being a writer is hearing from you. Also, thank you booksellers and tour-mates, Tahereh Mafi, Anna Carey, and Cynthia Hand. I can’t wait to do it again!

Where I’ll be next:

June 3-6th – I will be at Book Expo America in New York City, wandering around the show. Anyone else going? Let’s hang out!

June 10th  - I will be at the Redwood City Writers Conference. Details here.

July 12-15th – Comic-Con San Diego. Details to come!

Katy Longshore signing GILT
What I’m working on:

Just finishing up the last stages of book two, THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT and now I’ll be spending the next couple of weeks playing around with a secret project (very different from the world of UNDER THE NEVER SKY) and then I’ll be full steam ahead on book three.

I’m also going to start painting, which is sooper exciting for me, as I have missed it tremendously. What are you guys working on? 

Other Stuff:

This past weekend, I went to my friend Katy Longshore’s book launch party for her YA historical, GILT. Be sure to pick it up—it’s a great read!

Ring of Fire

Yesterday, there was a solar eclipse which was very, very cool. During the eclipse it got darker, but the light was also golden, and the temperature dropped about 15 degrees in a hurry. The shadow of the eclipse was everywhere you looked—these perfect little half-moons on the street, on houses. It was amazing. My sister-in-law took this photo from her home in New Mexico.

In a pure bit of random, I discovered on tour that there are now televisions inside mirrors. So those of you who can't stand to miss out on your favorite show while brushing your teeth, your problems are solved. I'm both disturbed and impressed by this turn of events. I also wonder: what is it called? Mirrovision? Reflectatube?

Lastly, Neil Gaiman is amazing and this is just one of the many reasons why.

If anyone knows where I can get my own personal Neil Gaiman, please leave a message in the comments.

Lastly-lastly, only eleven more days until Snow White and the Hemsworth!  Can't wait!!

Apr 2, 2012

Q & A

I've been receiving so much wonderful feedback from you guys! Thank you! I love hearing from you.

Here are a few of the more frequently asked questions, with my answers below:

Will UNDER THE NEVER SKY become a movie?

I wish I could say a resounding yes!, but the answer is actually maybe. The film rights to the trilogy have been optioned by Warner Bros. studios, which basically means they are developing the story. I have to tell you that this still blows. my. mind. (Who do you think should play Aria and Perry? Leave a note in the comments below! It's always so interesting for me to see how readers view the characters.)

When will Book Two be released?

Early next year. I don't have a specific date yet, but I'll announce it here as soon as I do.

How do I get a signed and/or personalized copy of the book?

Contact Rakestraw Books at (925) 837-7337 with your information (payment, personalization, address) and they will ship it to you.

What are your favorite books?

Anything by Kristin Cashore. Anything my Laini Taylor. Anything by MT Anderson. I also love the His Dark Materials trilogy. I devour George RR Martin's books. I reread Persuasion by Jane Austen every year. I'm obsessed with The Count of Monte Cristo. I was supremely moved by Dave Eggers' A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I put Ender's Game into the hands of everyone who asks me for a thrilling book. I thought Incarceron was terrifically original and dark. The Hunger Games blew my mind. Across the Nightingale Floor swept me away. And Harry Potter... I could go on. Sigh. Books are awesome.

Who was harder/more fun to write, Aria or Perry?

Aria. I don't really know why. I just totally channeled Perry right from the beginning. At one point had the story all in his POV. I'm really glad I picked up Aria's voice, and she's as fun/difficult for me to write as Perry now. It just took me a little longer to find her.

How long did it take you to write UNDER THE NEVER SKY?

A year to develop and draft, and then six months to revise.

Will we get to see more of Roar in Book Two?

The answer is.... yes! You will see much more of Roar in Book Two. And you'll meet Liv. I'm going to stop there, so I don't get spoilery. (Lots of questions about Roar from you guys, I must say...) 

Are you going on book tour, if so where?

I will be going on book tour over the next few weeks. For dates and locations, check here or here.

Is there an UNDER THE NEVER SKY playlist?

There certainly is, and it's right over here :)

Is there anything you'd like to know that I haven't answered above? Leave a comment with your question!