
Sep 4, 2012

Review Copies, Ebook Offer, Roar & Liv Teaser

A few things:

UTNS is now only $2.99 on KindleNook and Kobo! Guys.... you can't even get a latte for that price. Grab it now. Offer stands until September 17th. 

Also, for those looking out for the ROAR AND LIV novella, it is now available for preorder.

Review Copies

I've been getting lots of requests for ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. Also, I've been getting lots of requests from abroad for review copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY.

Thank you! I'm so happy that you want to read my book(s). (I can't overstate that.) At this time, however, I can't send out advanced reader copies, or finished copies because... well, because I don't have them. My bookshelves are full of other peoples' books... not mine. I mean, I have a few copies of mine. But very few.

Here are some suggestions for obtaining copies:

  • If they are purchasable, buy them! Hah. I jest. But really. A book is a good thing to spend money on, yo. Now, I know it's impossible to buy every single book you want, so....
  • If you can't buy a copy, check one out from your local library or share a copy with a friend
  • If you can't do that, contact HarperCollins for an ARC, or the appropriate international publisher (see the list in the Books tab.) 
  • Regarding ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, I'll be giving away a copy or two in a couple of weeks so stay tuned for that. I also believe that ARCs will be moving out into the world soon
Once again, sorry I can't mail you copies of UTNS or TTEN. I really, really wish I could!

Last but not least, the fun part!

Here is a teaser from ROAR AND LIV:

“I’m ready,” I say, against her skin. “The question is, are you?”

She stares at me.

I wait.

And wait.

“You’re killing me, Liv. Whatever it is, just tell me. What’s in your heart?”

Hee. I wrote it, but I kinda still want to know how she answers.

: )


  1. Awesome! I'll be looking out for your giveaway ^.^ your comment about your teaser made me laugh lol not fair that you wrote it and wont tell us but I guess thats the point of a teaser no? ahaha

  2. OH. MY. That teaser. <3 <3 <3
    Waiting for Roar and Liv is killing me...

  3. Yeeeesss! That teaser was just.... *SWOON* I'm definitely pre-ordering! xD
    And I'll totally be looking forward to the ARC giveaways!

  4. I really hope I'll find a copy of Liv and Roar that works with my iPad :) and that teaser is just mean, I wanna know what she says, NOW!!! :)

  5. The teaser is KILLING me! Ahhhh. I hope to get my hands on an ARC of TTEN... it wouldn't help with keeping me focused on midterms, but it'd be SO worth it!
