
Dec 20, 2012

It's here! THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT is here!

All I want to do is stare... but I'm on deadline for INTO THE STILL BLUE. 

Stare for me? Pretty please? 

Couldn't be more thrilled. Could. Not. 

This book is stunning in person. Just... wow.
I can't wait for you all to read it. And hold it. And everything. 

You can't really tell but the lower portion looks like it's backlit. By Aether.

Don't they look so happy together?

Couldn't resist.

This is on my desk right now. Very distracting. Very gorgeous, too.


  1. This is so fantastic! I can't wait to hold it in my hands too. Congratulations on your second book baby!! <3

  2. Very pretty. Now I want a copy. :) Happy Holidays.

  3. ZOMG!! I cannot wait to go buy it...esp because I want to reread the hell out of it!! I have since passed my ARC to other bloggers and, while I'm happy to share the love, I'm also kicking myself in the butt because I want to reread as I'm in a bit of a slump and I KNOW this could get me out!

    Anywho!!BEYOOOOTIFUL! My husband doesn't GET why I can't just keep the ARC and not buy a hard copy. UM MANY REASONS BUT ARCS ARE NEVER AS PRETTY!!!

  4. I so loved this book. It was awesome. I just can't wait for the next one to come out now.


  5. Looks great! I love how the covers compliment each other!

  6. Sooo pretty! I can't wait to have it sitting next to UtNS on my shelf! I'm in the middle of reading an early copy and woman, you are killing me! In the best possible way. :)

  7. Perry and Aria's first Christmas together! Aw! I cannot stop staring. The perfection. I.... it's.... so overwhelming... *strokes screen*

    I'm so happy for you! And ridiculously happy for the rest of us given that release is SO CLOSE.

    I hope you and your babies (and your human babies and husband) have a wonderful Christmas <3

  8. Yay!!! So happy for you:) So, so pretty. Can't wait till I get my own copy.

  9. So gorgeous! I read an ARC of Through the Ever Night and absolutely adored it. I can't wait to get my hands on a finished copy. *happy sigh*

    Can't wait for Into the Still Blue to come out either!!!

  10. oh I was staring A LOT on Facebook today! Totally awesome! Can't wait to read it!

  11. My aunt and I keep talking about how much we're looking forward to this one and everyone around us is like, "is this the new Twilight?" and of course I yell at them, "NO it's better!!"

    Also - I can't wait until January 8th - you have to take a photo of the book without the dust jacket - show us the bones!!

    Congrats again, I have a feeling it's going to make a lot of your fans happy... for about 3 days, when they've finished it and want ITSB!! 2014 seems so far away...

  12. THANK YOU!!! Thanks so much for your messages, you guys. I'm a little bit insane right now, but I'll try to respond individually soon. But know this: you're all awesome. Thanks so much for your support!

  13. OMG!!! I cannot wait to get my signed copy of Through The Ever Night!!!! I loved Under The Never Sky SO much!! It was fantastic!

    Congrats on the soon to be released Through The Ever Night as well!!
