
Oct 18, 2012

North Carolina & A Bit of Madness

Briefly, because I'm in the throes of drafting INTO THE STILL BLUE...

1. BOOK SIGNING -- I will be signing in Charlotte, North Carolina THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 with the amazing Talia Vance, Katherine Longshore and Donna Cooner. Come see us!


4:30-6:00   BOOK SIGNING hosted by Park Road Books
                            ImaginOn, 300 East Seventh St., Charlotte, NC 28202 

Check out this gorgeous cover by UK Publisher Atom!
2. NOVELLA -- Twelve days until ROAR AND LIV. Buy it for yourself for Halloween, even though it's not super scary. I mean, it's exciting. And tense. And romantical. But not really super scary.

Here's a little teaser of Roar's POV:

I draw a deep breath, feeling Liv’s weight against my chest, smelling salt and water and fire in the air. After a little while, I hear what I’ve been waiting for. Husky and pure, Liv’s laugh is the best sound in the world. 

3. CONTEST -- Books for winners of the ARC contest arrived from Harper. (Thank you, Harper!) Aren't they pretty? They will ship out next week.

Here they are on my couch. That's a lot of Perrys.

4.  BLOG -- I'm over at the YA Muses blog today talking about finding balance in life, particularly for writers. But, hey... take it with a grain of salt ;)

5. THROES -- Finally, this is what I mean by the throes of Book Three...

When I talk about the Writing Cave, this is what I mean.
Very cave-ey.

Thanks, all!


  1. So exciting~ I can't wait to read Roar and Liv's story! Definitely something to hold me over until Through the Ever Night comes out. :)

  2. Ohh, writing cave looks awesome! Looks like you're getting down to business! And have fun at the book signing! North Carolina is still too far away, but I'm looking forward to maybe making it to Under the Never Sky's launch party in January!

    1. Sallie, I can't wait to meet you someday--whenever it happens! <3!

    2. And by Under the Never Skys launch party, I meant Through the Ever Nights launch party....since time travel doesn't exist outside of fiction...yet!

  3. Looking forward to reading anything and everything from always ;)

    1. Whoops. I replied below. So I'll say again here: thank you so much!

  4. I will definitely be getting the novella! =)

  5. Seeing pics of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT makes me more excited for it! Can't wait to read the novella. I think Roar is pretty awesome :-) Your writer cave is very inspiring. I have post-it notes everywhere!! I'm sure anyone who'd look at my writing area would think I was a lunatic with post-it scribbles everywhere, but it all makes sense to me.

    Will you be going on tour for TTEN? If so, Lexington, KY is pretty awesome any time of the year. Just sayin' ;-)

    1. Writing caves should be chaos, I think! And yes, I will be touring! Waiting for final confirmation on tour stops... And will put in a good word for Lexington :) I'd love to get there!

  6. Have fun in North Carolina! Your writing cave looks intense. I've never seen anything like it. I'm glad to see book three is coming along, though! Eeeeee. And Roar and Liv! <3 Are there any plans for it to come out in a paper form? My parents own a Kindle, but I don't... =[

    1. I know, it's a little frightening. In the photo it was a particularly sunny day and I was writing a rain storm so I propped up my trifold board to help me get in the right frame of mind, and it worked! No plans for Roar and Liv on paper, sadly :( I was pushing for it but I guess it's a complicated decision. You could read it he novella on a computer, if you have access to one, or even on your phone! (I think) I'll find out for sure!

    2. Hahaha, way to improvise! It rains so much here in Oregon, I don't think I'd have the willpower to shut out the sun. Sad day on Roar and Liv not being on paper! :( I didn't know you could read eBooks without the proper device, but just Google'd it; the "Kindle for PC" app is downloading as I type this. I know what my early birthday present to myself will be now... Thanks for letting me know about it!

  7. Aw Roar and Liv~ ♥ I already pre-ordered, way too excited! I have a feeling I'll be swooning through halloween lol

    1. I hope you do swoon, Ellie! Let me know if you do :) and thanks!

  8. Roar and Liv! >.< I can't wait...literally. Every time I think about it, I feel very fangirly :)
