
Oct 3, 2012


ROAR AND LIV will be released in less than a month! To celebrate, I’ve decided to give away three ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT.

Open to US Residents only. (Sorry!)

To enter, leave a comment below answering the following question:

The last thing I did that I’m proud of is ______ .

It can be big or small—anything really. (Opened the door for someone, finished a book, aced a test, etc.) Your answers will NOT have any bearing on who wins. I just think we should pat ourselves on the back a little bit more than we do, and I know you guys are awesome, and I want to read all the reasons why.


Enter from now until end of day, October 10th.

I will draw the winners at random and announce them on October 12th.

You don't have to post your email to enter if that sort of thing makes you squicky. When I choose the contest winners, I will figure out a way to get in touch with you via twitter or whatnot. (But you are all winners, you know this yes?) If you already posted your email, well then, thanks. That does make it a little easier for me.

You can enter up to three times.

You can’t enter by tweeting about the contest, but I’d appreciate your helping in spreading the word!

Good luck!


  1. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is completing my Spring/Summer classes at University to give me enough credits to be a junior even though I'm only 17 years old!:D

    1. btw.. email: & Twitter: @SleepsOnTables

  2. ... pass my driver's license test. ON THE FIRST TRY! :D

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!


    1. Te last thing I did that I am proud of is I had a 100 percent natural birth!

    2. Wow. I don't know how you did that. The last thing I'm proud of doing is giving birth to my baby girl. I did get an epidural :p I toughed it out for a little bit.

  3. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is I sat my four year old down to teach her numbers.

  4. The last thing I did that i'm proud of is I colored inside the lines and made the paper turtles look pretty lol i'm not kidding! I work at an elementary school and needed to color some turtles for a folder project for the kids. Art has never really been my thing but I enjoyed coloring them and making em style with only 10 different colors. Those turtles look good! Thank you for giving away arcs!

  5. Lost 15 pounds through hard work.

  6. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is planned a surprise birthday party for my brother, who just found out he's going to be a dad :) Exciting times! Awesome contest!

  7. ... Help an elderly patron at my job. They really appreciated my time and effort.

  8. Thanks so much for the chance to win Veronica!

    The last thing I did that I was proud of was probably...*thinks* I probably haven't done anything very notable recently but maybe balancing school, my blog, my YouTube channel, flute, and Chinese school is something I could be proud of if I think of it in a different perspective. :)

    Thanks again!

  9. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is raising two handsome,smart,funny and polite little boys! :0) what can I say... I Love them! Thanks for the giveaway! Cant wait to read it! Loved the first one, its one of my favorites!

  10. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is sing in front of a class full of students


    1. FYI: We celebrate Ashley is awesome day every August the 8th.

  12. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was saving the baby girl I babysit for. She went into cardiac arrest while I was watching her, and I managed to perform CPR and bring her back. It definitely helps that I just began training to be an EMT this fall. (: Also, I really loved the first book, so regardless of whether or not I get an ARC, I will definitely be reading Through the Ever Night and obsessing with everyone else.

  13. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is giving my classmate a bobby pin so she could make her hair look nice for a job interview. It was one of my cute glittery ones.

  14. I was in the line at the post office the other day when a young woman collapsed behind me. I sprang into action and got her flat on the floor and into the recovery position whilst trying to rouse her, ask if anyone was with her etc. Thankfully, she came to and it turns out she has a history of epilepsy (I asked her this). She was fine after that but I'm proud that I took control of a stressful situation and helped her.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win and like the other commenters, I can't wait for the book and will be buying it and reading it regardless :)

    Lynsey (AT) narrativelyspeaking (DOT) com

  15. Hmm, I think I'll go with finishing my current WIP. That's always an accomplishment! :-)

  16. ... that I've only lost one game of the season so far (Varsity Badminton).

    Thank you!!!


  17. ... I've been elected President of my school's Student Government Association.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  18. That as a single mom.. I am finally putting myself through college!!!

  19. The last thing that I did that I was proud of was help my niece with her homework, without fail as much as I can :)

    Thanks! :D

    shaina333 AT comcast DOT net

  20. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is run my fastest 5K time!

  21. Hmm, I'm proud of the fact that I've finally started realize that I haven't been treated as well as I should be, therefore I'm attempting to rid of the negative people in my life. :)


  22. I quit my dependable job and opened my own business. It's been WONDERRFUL!

  23. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is pass my audition into the Song of Atlanta show chorus and learn all the competition songs and choreography in time to compete in Denver on 11/1 against other Sweet Adelines choruses!
    --Amy in Atlanta

  24. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is stand up for myself.

  25. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is I finished packing our old place and moving it all to the new place. For some people, this wouldn't be an accomplishment. For me, who HATES packing with a fiery passion, it's huge.


  26. Last night i baked apple pecan cinnamon rolls - from scratch! So yummy!

  27. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is run my fastest 5K time! (last link didn't work)

  28. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is ace my first grad school exam!

  29. I just got a A+, 100% on english this semester, I just did a big little happy dance in my seat! Thank you for the giveaway :D (I just did another little dance because I'm so happy!)

  30. The last thing I did that I was really proud of was increase my family with step-kids and new Grandchildren. Yeah they are all with me and I actually enjoy it.

  31. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is give a stranger a compliment on her shirt (I'm shy so it's hard for me to initiate conversation with people I don't know).

  32. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is run my first half marathon!

  33. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is I lost 30 lbs!


  34. It may be a little premature to say this, but I'm proud of my current WIP. All ten pages of it.

  35. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is following through with my words and actions and showing my girl scout troop how to lead by example, without becoming a tyrant.

  36. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is volunteering for a local non-profit (Peace Out) that helps teach teens how to be philanthropists!


  38. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is... well getting into the Kansas Academy of math and science where I go to college at the age of 16! :)
    btw Im at the part in the first one where Aria, Perry, and Roar go to Bliss :)

  39. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is acing in my Precalculus test! ;)
    And I'm doing better already.

  40. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is that I finished a big project at work.

  41. The last thing I did that I am proud of is I volenteer at my local library.


  42. The last thing I did that I'm proud: graduating with my bachelors of science in nursing + passing the NCLEX!

  43. The last thing I did that I was proud of was volunteer for my old English teacher at my old middle school.

  44. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is that I did something I knew I should, but didn't want to.

  45. The last thing I did that I was really proud of was that I made the decision to start my own business with my former boss!

  46. The last thing I did that I was really proud of was motivating myself to study and prepare for my first college exams these past few weeks. I even managed to pass them with flying colors! :D Thanks for the giveaway, Veronica! LOVED "Under the Never Sky"!! :)

  47. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is organize a team for my city's local Heart Walk!

  48. Tha last thing I did that I'm proud of was that I made my kids and husband very happy!

  49. The last thing I did that I was proud of was to keep writing even though I have faced several rejections. It made me proud that I didn't just get defeated and lose hope!

  50. The last thing I did that I'm proud of (well, still currently doing) is removing the people that have been treating me wrong and using me in my life. Doing it is making my life less stressful and improving my relationships with those that actually appreciate me and my friendship. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is that I was patient with my kids this morning. Not always easy.

  52. The last thing I did that I am proud of would be taking my Senior pictures yesterday and feeling the most happy/content/satisfied that I have felt that I can ever remember.

  53. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is transfer to a new school (I kind of tweeted you about this a while back). It's still super scary, but I am warming up to the new environment. I also realized (while doing the above) that I don't have to adhere to my peers' rules and expectations about how to act while in college (ie partying)...I can and WILL have my own experiences and I'm sure I'll come to really appreciate my time here, despite what anyone else says about what I did or didn't do. Does that make sense? :P

    And just so y'all don't think I'm a total grouch: Go Bruins!


  54. The last thing I did that I'm proud of: finishing a rough draft of my DREADED concept analysis. It was brutal. LOL

    AND BTW, thank you SO MUCH for this super awesome amazing giveaway. *squees and crosses fingers*

  55. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is deliver my baby girl without any meds.

  56. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is making a 96 as my lowest grade on my report card! I'm currently taking all AP Honors classes as a sophomore in high school. :D

  57. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is returning my library books on time!

    Thanks for doing this giveaway. It's excellent to see how many people enjoy the world you've given us. :)

    1. I'm proud of myself for learning to listen better to others. Sometimes it's not about how you respond, but just being there for someone.

      I'm also proud of myself for making sure things get done. Small issues/problems can add up and become one big pile of trouble. Taking everything one step at a time has made a lot of big problems look less daunting.

      Again, thank you. :)

  58. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is going back to college after taking a four year break to stay at home with my daughters... and kicking ass at it too!
    We get three right? I'm gonna put two more on here because I think that's what I'm supposed to do, right?
    The last thing I did that I'm proud of is quitting smoking cigarettes. Yay, one year and three months!
    The last thing I did that I'm proud of is loosing weight and making the decision to eat better.

  59. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is getting 6 A's and 1 B for my class grades. Hopefully the rest of junior year goes this well. (:

  60. The last thing I did that I'm proud of happened earlier today. A woman asked me for 50 cents to buy a soda because she had diabetes and needed sugar. I gave her a dollar.

  61. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finish a major project for my Master's Degree.

  62. I baked a Caramel Apple Pie from scratch. Crust and all!!


  63. Most recent thing I did that I was proud of is giving both of my boys a haircut this afternoon. It is quite the feat so getting it done and having it look good is an accomplishment for me!


  64. Teaching my 8yr old daughter to ride her bike with no training wheels and finally finding a book my 11yr old son actually liked and finished are proud moments for me.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  65. My overall ranking at work ended up getting me the schedule that I wanted!


  66. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was get a 93 on my Calculus 3 exam and a 94 and my Physics 2 exam, both of which I was sure I wouldn't get higher than 70 on.

  67. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I got 25 out of 29 questions correct on my geometry test! (My worst subject!)

  68. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was read an incredible college essay from a young adult and give him feedback. Did this last night. I believe in this young man, and really want to see him succeed. It was a privilege and honor to help him. He was so happy and sweet. He wanted to know what he could do for me. I told him to pay it forward. :D

    And thank you for the giveaway! Definitely excited for this novel! Congrats.

  69. That I didn't curse a blue streak when I found out my car is kaput until I spend $2000 for repairs.

    heather.c.self @ gmail .com

  70. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is made a meal the entire family (including 16 month twins) liked.

  71. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is putting school before people. I got asked out by a guy at my new school and I said no because I need to focus on school!

  72. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is telling my ex what I think of his rudeness. I hate biting my tongue so it felt good to give him a piece of my mind.

  73. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is making it through my Irish step dance class without making any mistakes while dancing. For me that is a huge accomplishment, lol. :P

  74. Something else I did recently that I was proud of is an art project with my kids along with a child I watch. They painted pumpkins and had so much fun. It was my little ones first time painting and seeing him smile and laugh while doing it made me really proud. :)


  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I finally faced my feelings about being forced to move to a new state over 14 hours away. This summer, and being deprived of a great Sweet Sixteen party (and cheer Nationals) due to packing and moving.

  77. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was quit being lazy in school by doing all of my work and turning it it instead of picking and choosing what I do and turning in only a fraction of what i do. And because of that I now have some of the best grades I've gotten in a long time. All in time to graduate.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. The last thing I did that I was proud of was getting my Masters degree in Forensic Science.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win arcs!!

  80. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is... Not eat that extra slice of pizza! Woot! My diet lasts another day! ;)


  81. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is asking an elderly lady at the grocery store if she needed help loading her car.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. The last thing that I did that I was proud of was set a goal for the novel I'm writing. I tend to work better with deadlines and finally set a date for when I want to have it written.


  84. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is behave in a way that got me the comment: "You are a really good friend. Thank you for being there for me."

  85. The last thing I did that I was proud of was not sell my kids to circus folk!! Don't judge me at 6 in the morning and I have to tell them over and over and over to shower get dressed and brush their teeth at least 5-10 times!! EVERY week day!! But of course I'm most proudest of them. They will always be the greatest thing I have ever accomplished!

  86. The last thing I did that I am proud of was adjusting fairly quickly to my new life here in Paradise, TX. I thought it was going to take forever...

    Can't wait till your book comes out!!!!

  87. I didn't absolutely have a meltdown when my car was stolen as I was getting ready to go to work.


  88. The last thing I did that I was proud of was spending time with special-ed kids in my school.

  89. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is I made my mother smile after a long, long time.

  90. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is taking my children to a book launch party!

  91. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I got the ball rolling on going back to school to become a nurse.

  92. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I went to the gym and worked out when I really want to stay home and read.

  93. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is...finishing my first novel!

  94. The last thing I did that I am proud of is go to the gym 5 day a week.

  95. The last thing i was proud of was when I finally accepted after 24 years who and the way I am.


  96. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is getting a 4.8 GPA (kind of lame, but still super proud of it)

  97. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I got the ball rolling on going back to school to become a nurse.

    1. DUDE! That's awesome! It's definitely tough, but it's great you're "getting that ball rolling" and going back to school.

      Best of luck.

  98. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is believed in myself. I think we all have some bit of self doubt but today, even if for an instant, I overcome it. :)

  99. The last thing I did that I'm prou of is write a chapter in my story

  100. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is get excepted into the Master of Library and Information Science program at the University of Washington!

  101. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I got the ball rolling on going back to school to become a nurse.

  102. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is I got an A on my chemistry test and I was really nervous about it. I was so anxious just waiting to see my grade.

  103. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is the fact that I arranged for my whole family to come spend Thanksgiving and Christmas at my house.....the first time we're hosting. This makes it easier so people don't have to spend their day traveling and/or choosing what family to see.

  104. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE. Last week. :)


  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. The last thing I did that I am proud of was become a mommy!

  107. The last thing I did I was proud of was... When I found money on the ground by someones car who I know and returned it to them. Seeing the look on their face was priceless because nobody returns found money.

  108. was get a 97% on one of the hardest tests I have ever taken in my life.

  109. The last thing I did I was Proud of was get a B+ on my Spanish test !!!! Which was a complete shock because I forgot to study ;)

  110. The last thing I did that I was proud of was getting back into reading and writing at the start of this year after taking a hiatus from it for about four years. Now, I'm more passionate about it than ever, and the time away really gave me of lot of perspective about what I want to do with my life.

  111. The last thing I did that I was proud of was scheduling a doctor's exam, even though the exam results have the potential to be scary. Or they might turn out fine, but I won't know until I get it done. :)

  112. The last thing I did that I was proud of was starting to eating more healthier and exercising 6 days a week.

  113. Another "last thing" I did that I was proud of was finish a term paper in 4 hours and got a fantastic score!

  114. The last thing I did that I am proud of was that I helped my mother take care of my new born baby brother while he got a rash. She was all alone because everyone else at the house was gone and I helped her the whole day with whatever she needed from me.

  115. trying to eating healthier :)

  116. The last thing I did that I was proud of was graduating from college. It took me a long time, but to finally get a degree was such a great accomplishment for me.

  117. Last thing I did that I'm proud of was standing my ground and not letting bullies get to me =)


  118. avoid saying the words "no, not, don't"

  119. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is walk into my classroom like a drill sergeant and demand the respect of some inner city fifth graders who are 10 going on 17. It wasn't easy for me to do because I'm more of the motherly person, but I did it.

  120. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is write nearly 25,000 words of a story I'm working on.

  121. i'm doing research about how to grow my own vegetables :)

  122. Well I'm ALMOST done with a book so I'm going to say I'm really proud of myself for sticking with it and not giving up!!!


    PS - I love Under the Never Sky <3 <3

  123. The last thing I did that I’m proud of was getting half of my fifth graders from last year to earn a grade "proficient" or "advanced" on their Science MCAS. Not an easy feat when coming in I only had one student who was proficient in science.

  124. This is not an actual entry, but can I just say how freaking excited I am for this book to come out? I pimp Under the Never Sky to anyone looking for who will listen. It's just so good! I can't wait for Through the Ever Night to come out!

  125. Taking in a stray dog and giving it a home!

    ...This dog did cost a pretty penny in medical bills so how about throwing us a bone (*wink wink*) and giving us a copy of Through the Ever Night????


  126. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is made cookies for my brother

  127. the last thing i did that i was proud of was ask a mother anf her child if they wanted to sit down in my chair on the bus

  128. Reading stories to kids at Practicum and getting them excited about reading!


  130. The last thing I did that made me proud, is I went through all of my stuff, clothes, books, movies, music, furniture, art supplies, EVERYTHING, and donated a bunch of stuff to the local second hand store. I feel much better now that I have less stuff cluttering up my life and I know that nice stuff will go to family's that need or want it!

  131. The last thing I did that made me proud was make an awesome Irish Soda Bread for the first time, giving half a loaf to my coach (who loves it), half of it for my family, and then gave a whole loaf to one of the clubs at school to sell for fundraising.

  132. The last thing I am proud of is getting cast as the understudy for the role I really wanted in the musical at my school as a freshman.

  133. I took my mom to Ireland

  134. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was finishing "Ten" by Gretchen McNeil in two days :)

  135. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is that I made an really awesome collage for my Digital Illustration project, and everybody like it and though the message was clear.
    (Hi! I'm the girl who gave you that painting of your book's cover) :)
    Haley G

  136. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is just in general starting this semester off well in school. I took a semester off for an internship and was afraid I wasn't going to be able to push myself or fail under the pressure of a challenging full load of classes. But I'm doing great! :)


  137. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is, donating tons of bags of clothes, and shoes to Goodwill.

  138. The last thing I did that I'm pretty proud of is that I gave away a few of my books (including an ARC)to my mom's coworker's niece. Being a passionate bookworm, I want all teens out there to experience the thrill I get from reading and finishing books. So when I heard this girl was interested in reading, but couldn't find any good books and didn't know where to look, I jumped into action and gave her the books along with my blog so she can see what I've been reading. It's a small step, but it's a step forward, nonetheless. Like that saying goes, every thousand mile journey begins with just one step. Plus, it made me feel all good inside.

    milliedswords (at) gmail (dot) com
    Twitter: @MillieDsWords

  139. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was make my first film! I've been branching out of writing and into film making and it's a blast!

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. I got back into reading again and love it!


  142. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is take my parents out of town for a day long outing. Neither is in the best of health, and they don't get out much. They both thoroughly enjoyed the day.

  143. the last thing I did that I'm proud of was speak in public:-)

  144. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is...
    I rescued a a little dog.
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  145. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finishing a haiku that really works.

  146. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is learning how to cook. Cause, dude, COOKING IS HARD. You have to like... do lots of things. I'm lazy and like to sleep and lay in bed reading. Learning how to make actual, edible food without setting the kitchen on fire is like a huge accomplishment for me. I deserve a pat on the back. *laughs*

  147. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is something I never thought I'd accomplish. I graduated from college with an Associates of Arts degree in Business.

  148. It would be volunteering at my sons schools as a librarian. The district had to cut all related arts and that included library and my kids love library, they grew up in my house, so it's only natural. It sounds like no big deal, but I have a real phobia of crowds and don't deal well with new situations, so it's a really big thing for me to do this. I love my son and reading is very important in my family, as it should be for all kids, so i'm doing a great thing and getting past a fear at the same time and I'm very proud of that.

  149. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I finally lost 15 lbs.

  150. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is learning the proper way to cut my pet guinea pigs nails and that is a big accomplishment for me because he always fuses and gets mad when we used to take him to the vet cut his nails. :)

  151. one of the last things I've done that I'm proud of is I stepped out of my comfort zone and got a job in customer service.

  152. Very last thing I did was I finally started writing my very own book.

  153. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is learning to RELAX ... through yoga and light meditation! Although I'm not POSITIVE I'm meditating CORRECTLY. I figure its working- and that's all that matters!

    Can't wait to read Through the Ever Night!! :)

    Ashley @ The Bookish Brunette

  154. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was that I didn't start reading my new book until after I had studied for and taken my quantum mechanics exam.

  155. The other last thing I'm proud of was that I got all my grading done for a class I teach.

  156. The other, other last thing I'm proud of was finally getting a library card in the new city I live in.

  157. The last thing I've done that i'm proud of is, I started taking dance classes again and I'm getting happier.
    (I met you at IHMS remember?)

  158. The last thing I've done that I'm proud of is volunteering at my local shelter.

  159. The last thing I've done that I'm proud of is that I made a plan to study abroad and I actually went through with it. It's weird not being home, but I love being away and traveling.

    My Heart Hearts Books

  160. The last thing I did that I did that I am proud of is, I went hunting, enjoying the beautiful mountain country on my horse. Providing meat for yourself and your family is a very hard, yet rewarding thing to do. It makes me so much more appreciative of food.

  161. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is finishing my essay for the Common App! Now I'm one step closer to applying for colleges.

  162. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is: I passed my written and behind-the-wheel tests on my first tries.

    (1 of 3)

    Email: avawlassak at gmail dot com
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win, Veronica!
    - Ava

  163. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is: I've read 22 books in three months. I'm a really slow reader, so this is pretty huge for me.

    (2 of 3)

    Email: avawlassak at gmail dot com
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win, Veronica!
    - Ava

  164. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is: I've been trying to make eye-contact more recently when I'm talking to people - this is something that was brought on by my insecurities and I'm really proud of myself for trying.

    (3 of 3)

    Email: avawlassak at gmail dot com
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win, Veronica!
    - Ava

  165. Second entry..
    The last thing I did that I'm proud of was finding the perfect Christmas present for my dad: a signed copy of Tony LaRusa's memoir about the 2011 World Series Champs St. Louis Cardinals (his favorite team). He's going to cry.

  166. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is quit my job. I had hated it for a really long time. I felt like I was languishing there and they were really mean to me. I am applying to college because my dream is to be a writer. I dropped out of school 8 years ago when I got pregnant with my son. I have always wanted to someday go back and pursue my dreams and get my Bachelor's degree in English. And now it is someday.

  167. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is losing 10 lbs. (@lizzard268)

  168. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is teach my kids how to bake,the look for pride on their face maked me feel great.


    Thank you Veronica

  169. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is getting a 100 on an English test.

    @Hayy6747 or

  170. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is make my daughter laugh.

  171. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is learned sign language to help my son communicate with his speech delay as a result of cerebelluar hypoplasia. He has a walker too. If only I could teach him to walk on his own. He's talking and signing and keeps proving the doctor's wrong. I'm amazed by how much he overcomes EVERY day. I'm so proud of him, and my other boys, too. I'm so blessed.

    Thank you! I'd love to read/review: @gdcribbs

  172. The last thing I did that i'm proud of was reach 100 followers on the blog i write with my bff.

  173. The. Last thing I did that I'm proud of is waking up on time to get. To class.

  174. The last thing i did that i was proud of was not cry in front of my friend when she told me she was moving. we havent been friends for very long but since we began becoming friends its been may not seem like that big of a deal but it is

  175. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is finish writing a story for my english class. My professor gave a ton of positive feedback and said he loves my writing.

  176. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is: finishing my first manuscript. I was sure I'd never finish it.

  177. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is: helping my neighbor out with her computer. She was about to throw it through the window. I managed to help her out and save a computer's life. ;-)

  178. ... Convincing my sister to maybe start a blog of her own. I think it'd be good for her writing habits and her self-esteem, and she's notoriously hard to convince about certain things.

    Woohoo for Through The Ever Night! Can't wait to read it!

    shelver506 at gmail dot com

  179. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is graduate with my Masters Degree!


  180. designing wedding/baby shower invitations (while managing a job and 3 boys!). :)

  181. I figured out my new cable box without having to call, who knew pressing guide or zoom while the box is off pulls up hd setup? -- Vel B

    Maybe posting the winners on facebook would help.

  182. Oh and another thing I am recently proud of is finally cleaning the house this week! Third one and that is all. :)

  183. The last thing I did that I’m proud of is opening a can of tuna with an IMPOSSIBLE can opener from IKEA; it took five minutes of twisting and turning and finally sweet-talking before it was willing to cooperate.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Argh! Net issues. My email is:

  184. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is receiving an A on my Research paper in Senior Composition. It wasn't an easy task for me!!

    P.S. love your books!

  185. I finally understood Calculus Derivatives. You don't even understand how bad I am at math and I made sense of Calculus. It's a fabulous feeling.

  186. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is play my hardest at my volleyball game tonight.
