
Jul 10, 2012

Comic Con San Diego Signing

This Sunday I'll be at San Diego Comic Con signing copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY.

Coordinates: 1:30-2:30pm, Sunday July 15th in autograph area AA09 in the Sails Pavilion

I'll be there with Scott Westerfield, Tahereh Mafi, Leigh Bardugo, Kami Garcia, Melina Marchetta, James Dashner, Victoria Schwab, Myra McEntire, Nathan Bransford, and I need to stop because the awesomeness is killing me. I love these people, People. 

A few of you have asked if I'll have ARCs of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT and the answer is sadly, NO. However I believe they will be available soonish.

If you'll be at Comic Con, stop by and say hello so I don't feel all lonesome, k? I'll give you the inside scoop on the Roar and Liv short story :D


  1. Oh wow, the line up at your booth sounds amazing! I can just imagine how fun it will be for all you awesome authors to be together for such an exciting event as Comic Con. Make sure to take photos if you have time! :)

  2. I'll be there! And I loved Under the Never Sky, I'll have to get my copy out & ready :-)
    Will it be a ticketed signing do you know?
