
Sep 6, 2012

A few announcements

Cutting to the chase here because Book Three is calling me:

US Readers: Ebook deal: UNDER THE NEVER SKY only $2.99.

Roar interviews Perry for the first (and last) time here.

For writers: Staying Sane. Or not.

Check out these cool Peregrine/UNDER THE NEVER SKY tattoos in the making.

Finally, my French publisher continues to rock:


  1. That interview between Roar and Perry... HAH! I miss them far too much! The tattoos also look really great--I'm so excited! Good luck with book three! :]

  2. Book Three! How daunting is that title!

    I also love the posts about staying sane with the YA Muses. It's refreshing to hear how you fantastic people handle it and how you laugh in the face of writing. :)

    Does your french editor happen to have a larger version of the french cover? I've been using the book trailer background with Perry sitting in a tree since I can remember... I'd love to have the french version as a background!

    Thanks for sharing, and get back to Book Three! :)

  3. Loved the interview! I miss these characters, can't wait for January!!!

    And that girl on the cover looks like Kristen Stewart.
