
Nov 28, 2012

Bloggers Rock

One of the best parts of being a writer has been getting to know readers, fans, and especially bloggers. Take a look at this beautiful banner created by blogger The Authoress.

Six weeks until THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT! I can't wait for you guys to read it. A couple of you have! Here are a few early reactions that I love.

Good Choice Reading

Two Chicks on Books

Magical Urban Fantasy Reads


If you just can't wait until January 8th to read it, head over to Zach's blog to enter for a chance to win an early copy!

Now back to book three....


  1. That banner is stunning! Also - 6 weeks until I get my shiny new hardcover for my collection! Very excited :)

  2. I was so happy when I checked GoodReads today and saw that it comes out early Jan, it is almost here!

  3. This is the best book ever. I didn't stop until i finished the book.
