Dec 13, 2013


Hi, everyone!

I was just thinking I haven't done a giveaway for an INTO THE STILL BLUE ARC yet, and I happen to have one sitting right here that's searching for a new home. Which means it's time for a contest!

Last year we did this for copies of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, and you guys blew me away. I ended up asking my publisher for more copies, so we could have more winners, and I'd love to do that again. So enter, enter, enter!

To do so, just fill in the blank:

The last thing I did that I'm proud of is ______ .

Like last year, your answer doesn't have to be flashy. It can be anything. Picking up a pencil for someone. Studying for a test. Whatever! Your answers won't have a bearing on who wins. What I want is for you to have an excuse to pat yourself on the back--and I want to hear all the reasons why you're amazing--because you are.

Enter on twitter by using the hashtag #ITSBcontest OR post in the comments below, OR on the Facebook page

Enter until end of day, December 15th. (Doing this quickly, because I'd like to send you the book by end of year!) I'll announce a winner on December 16th. (At which time I'll contact you for your email address, so no need to include it now.)

And, yes, this offer is open internationally because I love you all, regardless of where you live, goshdarnit.

Okay! I'll start us off:

The last thing I did that I'm proud of is… oh, gosh, this is tougher than I thought. Okay. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is create a funny family video for my cousin who was going into brain surgery the next day. I think it made her laugh. (And she's fine now!)

Your turn! And hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is making my sons' Halloween costumes! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is donating more than 50 cans of food to my kids school food drive.

  4. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is hauling 9 kilos of books home from a book sale! It was heavy but totally worth seeing my filled bookshelf. Also, the stunned look on my mom's face. :D

    1. I love a well stocked bookshelf, myself! Good job, muscles ;)

  5. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is...finishing some work I had to do for university. It's not that hurried but I'm doing this together with some friends and I promised them I would send them my part before the Christmas holidays. And yeah, I did it.

    Greetings from Germany! :)

    1. Meeting a deadline is such a great feeling. Congratulations, Jay!

  6. Ooops! December 16 is my birthday. I really hope I win this. Randomizer, choose me.
    The last thing I did that I'm proud of is when I bought home grapes for my mom because the morning she said she want some. And I didn't eat lunch that day so I can afford a kilo. And she smiled. I am always proud when I make her happy.


    1. That's VERY generous of you. And I'm the Randomizer! Or maybe I'll ask my husband to be the Randomizer :) Good luck to you, and congrats on making your mama happy!

  7. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finishing my Masters degree at University! It was a year of torture and crazy amounts of work, but in the end It was totally worth it!!!! I miss school so much now!

    Thank you so much for having this giveaway! :)

    1. That's fantastic! Masters in what? And what an accomplishment! Great for you!

  8. Oh wow. This is hard. I think the last thing I did that I'm proud of was jumping back into revising my MS and not giving up after having to re-write over half of it @___@

    Thank you for the giveaway! I seriously can't WAIT for the finaleeeee!

    1. Ellie, I'm in the same boat right now. Thanks for saying this… you've made me realize I also need to stick with it, when the going gets tough. Best of luck with your MS!

    2. Yes yes! Never give up, never surrender! *fist pump!*

  9. The thing that I did that I am proud of is I chose to honor both professional and personal commitments last night. I attended a teacher meeting across town and played as an "alumni/guest" in my school's orchestra concert. They gave a very nice performance. =)

  10. The last thing I did that I was really proud of was asking a friend to go watch a movie (Desolation of Smaug) with me. I am sure it doesn't count for an achievement for most people but... I am like the most awkward person ever and am painfully shy so this was actually a pretty big thing for me.

    1. Aw… I'm proud of you! I hope you had fun. I can't wait to see that movie!

    2. Thanks! :)
      We're going on monday though :D
      I hope you enjoy it whenever you go to watch it :)

  11. the last thing I did that I'm proud of is get a good score on my PSAT :)

  12. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is working really hard on my english presentation and being happy with the grade that I got!

    I'm so excited for this book, and I cannot wait to read it.

    Love from Norway!

  13. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is helping out my grandma!


  14. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is cleaning up my house!

  15. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is helping a student of mine get out of a dangerous home situation and into a safer one. I encouraged her to be brave and honest, which she was, and now things are looking brighter for her immediate future and the long term.

    1. That is wonderful. Thank you for doing that… from the bottom of my heart.

  16. Rachael ( 13, 2013 at 9:27 AM

    The last thing I did that i'm proud of would probably be working hard to receive a bursary for school!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is helping my mom change the lightbulb on our 20 foot ceiling, which is not an easy task!

  19. The last thing I did that im proud of is...
    At my work they're taking donations for St.Judes children hospital and I collected the most donations out of everyone :)

  20. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is graduating from graduate school with my degree in library science. I now need all the naps.

  21. The last thing I did that I'm proud of...I spent a fortune on books for my daughter at the school book fair BUT I also picked out a couple of books from her teacher's wishlist and purchased those, too. =) I love the gift of giving books!

  22. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is surpassing my reading goal for the year and reading 58 books! (Two of those being Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night)

  23. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is take on a job that I thought would be too much for me, and actual pull through enough to start enjoying it.

  24. The last thing I did that I'm proud of ... well I'm always proud of my kids but having my 7 year old say a thank you speech to his music teacher the other night at his concert was a real proud moment for me. :)

  25. The last thing I did that I'm proud of ----- I was upset with my son, age 17. I kept my mouth shut. Listening instead of preaching. We ended up having a fantastic conversation. No longer upset, and feel closer to him.

  26. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is win fourth place in the Pop Warner National Cheer and Dance Competition with my team.

  27. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is making it through my winter semester.

  28. The last thing I did that I was proud of was volunteering at my local food pantry :)

  29. So glad that she's okay! :) That was a sweet thing to do, btw. As for me, the last thing I did that I'm proud of is... Ok, there're two things: I offered an old lady my seat in the bus AND I bought Throne of Glass as a birthday gift to one of my good friends and coursemates at uni. Sharing is caring and I hope she likes it a lot. She liked UtNS and Blood Red Road, so fingers crossed we can be friends after she's done and through wiith ToG ;)

  30. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is pass my PhD qualifying exam! :-)

  31. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is getting all A's on my report card.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is . . . I got my cousin a cellphone. She's in 8th grade and has never had a cellphone. Can you believe that? So the look on her face when she got her iPhone was priceless. I'm happy that I made her happy.

    Happy holidays <3

  34. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is...finally get going on my college applications. I still have no clue what I want to do, but I'd like to be a writer (:

  35. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is boost one of my third grader's confidence...he's convinced he can't do it, and I'm just as sure that he CAN. (he did it, too!!)

  36. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finishing my HIV experiments and finding some really great results! Hoping to contribute to find better treatments for patients!

  37. The last thing I did I'm proud of is finish all my semester exams with straight A's! Excited to enjoy Christmas break now. :)

  38. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is having the courage to leave a job that I was absolutely miserable in to pursue a writing career and go back to school! Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is outside volunteer work in 18° weather. I'm glad I went it was worth it.

  40. The last thing I did I'm proud of is hosting my good friend's family for Thanksgiving since he's in the hospital recovering from a virus he contracted after getting the flu shot. Currently he's in rehab. I'm thankful he is better, and we loved sharing time with the family as an offer of support and love.

  41. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is survive 21 years of teasing/bullying because of my first name. Now I just laugh about it. :)

  42. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is let my guard down in front of my sister and let her know how I really feel about our parents' separation and how it's been affecting me, especially at school.

  43. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is.. learning another language by myself, still I'm not quite right but I'm trying.

  44. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finding a job for my family. My husband just had back surgery and can't work so after 8 years as a stay at home mom I'm back in the saddle!

  45. The last thing I did that I'm proud of (well, the last big thing) was land a job that I LOVE just three months after graduating from grad school.

  46. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is volunteering at my local no-kill animal shelter; the dogs were so happy to have some time outside and someone to play with!
    thank you SO MUCH for the give away!!!

  47. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is.. I gave gifts for christmas -like little dolls and cars- to children at my local hospital :)

  48. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is...maintain my 4.0 gap in grad school! Three semesters down, three to go!

  49. The last thing that I'm proud of is my latest cupcake recipe! I tweaked my own recipe for mango lassi cupcakes and my frieds ate three in a row each, so they were a success!

    I am proud that I have started writing my own book. I have always written poetry but with the encouragement and support of my niece and the inspiration of my daughter I am proud to say I have made this leap into a new venture.

  51. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is shopping for personal care items for a women's shelter.

  52. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is... create a booktube channel on Youtube! I did it to build up my confidence and self-esteem as well as share my love for books with people from all over the world! Seeing my channel grow is a sweet reward for the efforts I have put into it, so I am definitely proud of that!

  53. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is I cooked dinner for the entire extended family! That's about 50 family members! :D Hope the giveaway is INT.

    1. Oh it is international... Just saw it now. Thanks!!

  54. I did a load of washing for my sister. Which is not really something big enough to be proud of, so I will be proud of her instead: She had a baby! Abby is five weeks old and both first time parents are doing the sleep deprivation hell thing very well, I'm so proud of them I could burst =)

  55. The last thing I did that I am proud of is braving the "snowpocalypse" to go to a cardio kickboxing class during finals week. Not only did I feel incredibly awesome afterwards, but it also gave me the energy/much-needed motivation to study!

    I also might be extremely proud of teaching my two year-old nephew how to say my name. Two syllables were tough for him to put together beforehand. =P

  56. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is receiving a great score for my exam because if that made my parents happy, I'm happy too! :)

  57. The last thing I did that I am proud of is collecting and reading more than fifty plus books already in just 4 years because I do not like reading books before but then I changed! Under the Never Sky book 1 and 2 are both on my collection. It's a really good book! Can't wait to read Still Blue!♡

  58. ...reading your books in english ( I' m french !) and appreciate them even more than in french !!

  59. The last thing that I did that I'm proud of is helping my mom out in the house while she is ill.

  60. The last thing i did im proud of is attempt, and finish a painting. I actually like it too! :)

  61. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is crocheting a hat for my aunt. I wasn't sure she'll like it, but she did!

  62. The last thing I did I am proud of is finishing my first YA novel and starting the sequel.

  63. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is chase after someone when the left something behind in a restaurant. Young mom with a whining toddler.(I've been there) She left her expensive smart phone on the chair she had been in so I ran outside looking for her. Nothing big but was cold outside!

  64. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is setting up a new desk lamp by myself. Actually it's not that hard, but nevertheless I feel very proud of myself.

  65. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is making Thanksgiving dinner. I was never a great cook, but I thought my mother and grandmother would have been quite proud of me.

  66. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is video my daughter's Holiday Program, so that family who was unable to go, were able to watch :)

  67. The last thing I did was take my previous foster children to see Frozen. I really hate saying things that I did but I seriously want this book!

  68. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is acing a final exam for a class I struggled through all semester.

  69. The last thing that I did that I am proud of was reaching over 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo. It was my first time participating and I am still excited and proud for being able to do it.

  70. I'm proud of picking what I want to study! I've been doubting about what to do for a loooong time and finaly figured it out! So yeah... pretty proud of that

  71. I'm not sure if being proud was the right feeling but it made me feel good holding the door open for an elderly man. love your books!

  72. Syren WIlliams syren.williams@gmailDecember 14, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    The last thing I did that I was proud of is...

    I left a really good job to pursue a new opportunity and I'm so proud I was brave enough to take the leap! We'll see how it goes, but at least I took a chance, and for that I'm proud


    Congrats on Book 3 - can't wait to read it!

  73. The last thing I did that I'm proud of was building a headboard from scratch. It was a DIY project and it turned out great. Plus it required less money! Now I'm going to surprise my little sister for her birthday with her own headboard. (:

  74. Rocked my little grandson, who's suffering from the sniffles, to sleep. Nice peaceful time now for me to read :-)

  75. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is… working for 3 straight weeks without a day off and a mental breakdown.

  76. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is learning to drive up a hill in my (manual) car :D

  77. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is my interview today! I stayed calm and did my presentation better than I'd practiced! Fingers crossed it went well :)
    Thanks for opening this up worldwide!

  78. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is watching my son on stage with his pre-kindy class singing to a hall full of people and making sure I recorded it as I knew he would want to relive his bravery!

  79. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is packing food for Kids Against Hunger, which I just did this morning! Kids Against Hunger is a non-profit, Minnesota-based organization that provides meals to starving children and their families, not just in the U.S., but around the world. One serving of the food will provide a full day's worth of vitamins and nutrients for a child!

  80. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is getting a two-book deal with HarperCollins last month! I am absolutely thrilled that they're publishing my debut novel Truest, a YA contemporary. This is a dream come true for me!

  81. The last thing I did that I am proud of... This past semester I went to school, worked full time, got awesome grades, and managed to pay my tuition without help or loans. I plan to do it all next semester too! Hard worker right here :)

  82. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is when I share my food to my friends bcos I miss them so muchhh! :)

  83. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is study for my final exam. I have 4 more exams to go and hello winter break!

  84. Ahh. Thank you for this perfect giveaway Veronica. <3 Entering because I would love love love to win a signed copy from you :D (It can be signed, yes? Fingers crossed. <3)
    The last thing I did that I'm proud of.. uhm, well. I'm not sure to be honest. But I am a tiny bit proud of being done Christmas shopping before December started :D Rest of the family is not done at all, hih :) Though the thing I am most proud of, is buying my kitten. <3 though that happened in April :)

  85. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is being there for a friend (who has not always been great herself) so she can rant to me about guy and family issues today.

  86. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is finish my first semester of college (this past week) with good grades and no final exam meltdowns:)

  87. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is passing all my college finals for this semester. Now, I can start my classes for my major (Graphic Design) in January. Thank you so much for the chance to win your lovely book, Veronica!!!

  88. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is helping my friend move to her new home. :)

  89. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is rearrange the periodic table according to the element's quantum numbers. :)

  90. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is… writing a 30K first draft of my novel during NaNo this year. I've never written anymore than 3K on a project before and it this was only the second project that I've ever finished so... it was quite a leap for me :)

  91. The last thing I did that in proud of is actually studying for my final and not get distracted by my phone, computer, or books. I got As on my tests :)

  92. The last thing I did that I am proud of was lost 101 pounds within a year the healthy way and without surgery :)
