
Dec 30, 2011


Ahhh.... The land down under. Who isn't enchanted by Australia? 

I am. Always have been. Which makes it especially amazing that UNDER THE NEVER SKY is now on Australian bookshelves. I'm only disappointed my book got there before I did. 

I've "met" some of you via the nets. Tez, Brodie, Lisa, Kat, Amie and Rebecca (thanks for the photo!) to name just a few. And I have to know: Is there some national coolness test you guys have to pass? Are you a utopia, Australia? I'm beginning to wonder.

If you've come by and you're from Oz as well, please leave a comment and say hello! Or G' day? (I feel like a poser saying that. Did it sound ok?) I'd love to hear from you! Also, do any of you know Chris Hemsworth? I'm kidding... Sort of... Do you?

To you Aussies, I hope the Australian Never Sky treats you well. Cheers, mates! 

And look at you. You're beautiful.

Three Days and Counting...

Next week, my debut novel will be out in the world.

*dramatic pause*

At any given moment, I've been alternating between a zen-like attitude and panic. This is the moment of letting go, after two and a half years of brainstorming, researching, writing, revising, revising, revising. Of hoping that it's good enough and that it entertains and moves people--hopefully many people. I know it will fall short of some reader's expectations. Not every book hits the right notes with me, either, and that's okay. We all have our preferences. But I do hope that the majority of those who pick up NEVER SKY find their time with the story time well-spent.


Who am I kidding? I hope they love it.

One thing I'm sure about: I love that book. It's not perfect, but I do love it. And it's ready for you, World.

Now, onto super fun things:

BLOG TOUR OF AWESOME -- The Teen Book Scene is hosting a blog tour for yours truly. I had so much fun with this crew--thanks for having me! Please stop over and visit their blogs. And mega-thanks to Kari, for putting everything together!

BOOK LAUNCH CELEBRATION -- Over at the YA Muses, next week is UNDER THE NEVER SKY launch week. Come by for prizes and much merriment! Details here.

FIRST RECORDED SIGHTING IN THE WILD -- Check this out... I know that book. I know it really, really well. Excuse me while I pass out for a moment.

Finally, Happy New Year to you! 
I hope 2012 brings you health, happiness and books.

Dec 9, 2011

This is for real now...

You guys.... they're here.

Final copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY just arrived.

And... and... Wow and tears and shaking hands and all of it. Everything. That's what I'm feeling right now.  This is a moment I've wanted for so long. Unbelievable. Truly.

Dec 7, 2011

Inkpop Chat & Kirkus Star!

Hey guys!

Less than a month to go until UNDER THE NEVER SKY is on bookshelves (or in e-readers). If any of you are wondering whether it's possible to run on adrenaline for weeks at a time, I can tell you that the answer is yes. I'm excited, nervous, excited, nervous. I tend to be a bit of an introvert, so it's been a lot of adjustment over here.

Thank you to everyone who has read the book, and responded with such enthusiasm. If I could give each of you a hug, I would. Unless you're not a hugger, in which case I would offer knuckles.

Here's a round-up of recent goings-on:

1. INKPOP CHAT - This afternoon at 5 PM EST, I'll be over at chatting about the world of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. I'd love to see you there!

2. A KIRKUS STAR - Kirkus gave UNS a starred review, calling the book "Inspired, off-beat and mesmerizing." Guys.... I can't even.... I never.... I mean.... I'm not sure that one is ever going to sink in. Ever. I love that they called it "off-beat." My goal in writing it was to just let go, and tell a story without being afraid of fitting it into a neat box. To see that quality praised (by Kirkus!) is just the coolest thing. Seriously, a star from Kirkus feels huge to me. ("I'd like to thank the Academy...")

3. I've posted a few new international covers for UNS. It's so fun to see how different countries interpret the story visually. I love them all. Each one is like seeing the story through a new lens. Check them out!

Finally, be on the lookout for a revamp of the blog soon. A good friend is helping me beautify this here site. Thank you, Lia!

Nov 19, 2011

Look up!

Who doesn't love seeing the changing moods of the sky? Over at the UNDER THE NEVER SKY Facebook page, we're posting our favorite pictures of the sky. You really should check it out. They're amazing. And please share your own!

Here's one I took recently on my trip to New York. You really have to work to see the sky in Manhattan, but it's so worth it when you see all the gorgeous architecture against the big blue.

Update:  My mom and dad are in the countryside outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil right now, visiting family. I haven't seen them in weeks and weeks. I just emailed my dad asking him to contribute a photo to the Facebook page. He sent this:

And this:

And this:

And you know what? It's amazing to see what he's seeing. And even more amazing to think that it's the same sky, way over in Brazil. And that he was looking at it and thinking of me, and I now I'm looking at my sky thinking of him. Anyway. Very cool.

So how about it? Where are you? What does your sky look like? Would love to see it!

Nov 17, 2011

Bookanistas & Story Masters

1. Story Masters - This week, the YA Muses are talking about the Story Masters workshop that we attended in Houston, TX.
  • Donald Maass
  • James Scott Bell
  • Christopher Vogler

2. Bookanistas - Looking for a good read? Here are the Bookanista's picks for this week.
(Notice Corinne Jackson's review... Hmm.... Sounds like a good book.)

Nov 10, 2011

Story Masters & PW Galley Talk!

1. PW Galley Talk - This review completely made my day. Completely.

2. Story Masters! I wrote up a short thing over at YA Muses. It was epic. Highlight for me: I got to sign one of my ARCs to Chris Vogler, whom I'm a huge fan of. Chris Vogler, whose teachings I use to write the book I signed to him. omg it was awesome. I might have teared up.

Oct 29, 2011


I was in Oakland yesterday for NCIBA. I got to spend time with Talia Vance and Katy Longshore, my fellow Muses, and I came home with a bag full of ARCs of books I'm so excited about! Here are a few:

A MILLION SUNS by Beth Revis
PANDEMONIUM by Lauren Oliver
SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Steifvater
FRACTURE by Megan Miranda

Once I've read them, I plan to do some giveaways to spread the wealth so stay tuned! UNDER THE NEVER SKY was at the HarperCollins booth; it was amazing to see that.

The best part of NCIBA, however, was meeting Northern California book bloggers, who are some of the nicest people, and who are so passionate about books. Loved meeting them, and only wish I could have spent more time with them.

Next week, I head to Story Masters in Houston, which should be phenomenal. Anyone else heading out that way? I'd love to meet you!

Oct 27, 2011

Author Video & GILT Cover

1. Video - I put together a little video of my writing process. Check it out -- you'll see how closely I work with my assistants.

2. We're talking about writing inspirations over at the YA Muses Blog. A great week of posts so far, be sure to stop by!

3. Take a look at my dear friend's cover for her YA historical, GILT. Absolutely gorgeous, right? This novel is so lush and fabulous. I can't wait for you all to read it next May!

4. Bookanistas! Lots of great recommendations today:

Elana Johnson REVEALS something awesome!!!
LiLa Roecker  announces a winner - plus a Past Midnight series giveaway
Christine Fonseca  reveals books she cannot wait to read
Beth Revis interviews My Very UnFairytale Life author Anna Staniszewski
Shannon Whitney Messenger interviews Skyship Academy-Pearl Wars author Nick James & agent Jennifer Rofe – with giveaway
Jessi Kirby twirls for Audition
Shana Silver burns for Circle of Fire
Carrie Harris devours Deadly
Stasia Ward Kehoe travels to The Day Before

Oct 16, 2011

Cover Update & Comic Con Report

1. Comic Con - Friday, I had the privilege of being at Comic Con in New York. The day started with a panel at 10:45 - Zombies, Fallen Angels and Other Paranormals Give New Meaning to Undying Love. This was my first panel and I had a blast. 

Tahereh Mafi, author of the upcoming SHATTER ME, was among my fellow panelists. Many of you may know her from her blog or twitter, but I wish you could meet her in person. She's kind, stylish and so well-spoken. I was already inclined to like her, because I adored SHATTER ME. Now I'm thoroughly fangirl for her.

After the panel, Tahereh and I signed ARCs at the HarperCollins booth. Another first for me, and also a blast. It's truly amazing to see UNDER THE NEVER SKY make its way out into the world. Thank you to those who came by to pick up a copy.

2. Sneak Peak of UNDER THE NEVER SKY - Check out the Facebook fan page for a glimpse of an early chapter!

3. Cover News - Finally, I'm thrilled to share an updated version of the UNDER THE NEVER SKY cover.

You'll see the differences are subtle, with the addition of a new color and the streamlining of the font. I love it. I still can't believe it's my cover. I hope you love it, too.

Oct 6, 2011



1. A sad day for all, with Steve Jobs' passing yesterday. I have mad love for my Apple products, and massive respect for his contributions and his genius. I vote for this as a new permanent logo:

2. I turned in the final FINAL copy for UNDER THE NEVER SKY yesterday. Yikes. Also. YAY.

3. Fun news coming up with respect to the COVER. Whoa. What could it be? Stay tuned.

4. My buddy, Jackie Garlick Pynaert, is guest blogging over at the Muses today. She has reviewed THE NIGHT CIRCUS by Erin Morgenstern, a book I'm dying to read. Stop on over and make Jackie feel welcome if you have a chance.

5. I was in New York earlier this week meeting with my agent, editor and the marketing folks at Harper Collins. It was awesome. It's amazing to me how many people work behind the scenes, and I feel very lucky to have met some of them. I love my team. I have a gazillion pictures and much to share, but I'm under the deadline gun, so stay tuned for the lowdown next week.

6. It's Thursday! That means Bookanista book recommendations:

Elana Johnson  is obsessed with Possess
Christine Fonseca  twirls for Audition
Shannon Whitney Messenger is wowed by The White Assassin – with giveaway
Shelli Johannes-Wells applauds The Pledge
Beth Revis interviews The Girl of Fire & Thorns author Rae Carson
Carolina Valdez Miller delves into The Future of Us – with signed book giveaway
Shana Silver shouts out about Shut Out
Sarah Frances Hardy fancies You Will Be My Friend

And... back to work!

Sep 28, 2011


1. Check out Banned Book Week on the YA Muses blog this week!

2. I'm going to be speaking at the CWC meeting October 8th. If you're local, I hope to see you there!

3. Book recommendations from the Bookanistas!

Elana Johnson interviews Elle Strauss, author of Clockwise
LiLa Roecker discusses S R Johannes' e-book experiment
Christine Fonseca  is wowed by The White Assassin - with giveaway
Shannon Whitney Messenger loves Lola & the Boy Next Door – with giveaway
Beth Revis delights in The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer – with giveaway
Shelli Johannes-Wells falls for Fracture
Carolina Valdez Miller adores Ashfall – with giveaway
Jessi Kirby marvels at The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Shana Silver steps up to Audition
Corrine Jackson is crazy about Cracked
Stasia Ward Kehoe swoons for Swan and To Dance

Sep 26, 2011

Goodreads ARC Giveaway

1. Harper Collins is giving away TEN copies of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Check it out!

2. Paul Rudd is awesome. (This is only one of many reasons.) Who else has managed to hang onto an AOL email account? Raise your hands. Let's not live in shame any longer!

Paul Rudd in US Weekly

3. DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE by Laini Taylor releases tomorrow. Go. Buy. It.

That is all.

Sep 23, 2011

Comic Con NYC!

1. Guys. Guess who gets to be on a panel at Comic Con in NYC?

By far one of the coolest things to ever happen to me. I guess I should wait until after I go before I say that? Nope. Don't need to wait. Mark Hamill is going to be there. Jason Mamoa. Kim Harrison. Brandon Sanderson. Tahereh Mafi, whose SHATTER ME just shattered me, really... gah!!! I'm. So. Pumped!!!

2. Have you seen the book trailer for THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER? Amazing! That's how you do a book trailer. Congratulations to Michelle Hodkin, who is a great person & class act. I can't wait to read MARA next week!

3. Quotable Friday. This week, my husband's words from a few days ago. Spoken in one of many recent pep talks given to encourage me through the pressure of deadlines for one book, marketing demands for another. I thought this was quite smart (but don't tell him I said that.)

You can't teach experience.

Some things you have to just slog through and figure out on the fly. And there's a certain release in that. I don't know how to handle much of what doing. Learning as I go. Bungling about a little, but I'll figure it out. And so will you. Here's to learning as we go, everyone.

4. Finally, for no particular reason, I give you Ivan.

Sep 19, 2011

YA Muses Writers Retreat

I spent the past weekend with Talia Vance, Donna Cooner, Katy Longshore and Bret Ballou, my blogging partners at YA Muses. We secluded ourselves near Estes National Park and spent the days writing, relaxing, critiquing and laughing.

A few thoughts I had over the weekend:
  • Nothing is as inspiring as being surrounded by talent.
  • Nothing is more grounding than a group of friends.
  • Nothing is as good for the soul as laughter.
  • Critique sessions are better with a fire and s'mores.
  • Elk are gorgeous but they make funny sounds.
  • I need to see more of Colorado.

I'll dig in a little deeper over at the YA Muses on Thursday, but for now here are a few pictures.

YA Muses in front of Bear Lake

Big Fella, the Elk bull with the mostest

The walk to Bear Lake. Gorgeous.

Sep 15, 2011


1. We're looking at dialogue at the YA Muses this week. Want to hear what we have to say about talking?

2. I couldn't get to a review of my own today, but check out these great recs from the Bookanistas.

Elana Johnson is in a tizzy over Texas Gothic
LiLa Roecker  celebrates Something Like Hope
Christine Fonseca  is transformed by Shifting
Shannon Whitney Messenger takes a shine to So Silver Bright – with giveaway
Scott Tracey is on board for Starship Academy
Beth Revis shouts about The Name of the Star
Shana Silver loves Lola and the Boy Next Door
Rosemary Clement Moore is distracted by Alien Invasion & Other Inconveniences
Sarah Frances Hardy adores Birdie’s Big Girl Dress
Stasia Ward Kehoe takes a fancy to Fracture
Carolina Valdez Miller goes gaga for Glow and Shifting – with giveaway

Sep 10, 2011


A quick heads up:

Friend and fellow Apocalypsie Jill Hathaway is hosting a giveaway of UNS on her blog. It's open internationally. Thanks for doing that, Jill!

Also, make sure you check out Jill's book, SLIDE. I'm expecting an ARC of this in the mail any day and I can't wait to read it. It sounds awesome.

Sep 9, 2011

Quotable Friday & So Much More

Hi guys. Another week, huh? Hope it's been a good one for you.

1. Today, I'm over at BRAVE NEW WORDS shining a spotlight on my favorite scene in UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Curious? Check it out.

2. MY FRIENDS ARE AWESOME - (That sounded mean. I didn't mean it to be mean. I'm sure your friends are awesome too.) It never gets old seeing your friend's name in Publisher's Marketplace. Donna Cooner and I met in a critique group almost two years ago. She had just signed with an agent and I was in awe of her. I still am. Her writing is funny and heartbreaking and so gooood. It's a thrill to see other people recognize her incredible talent. Here's the announcement for her recent UK sale:

Donna Cooner's SKINNY, about a girl whose obesity and negative thoughts stand in the way of her dreams of becoming a singer and finding love, until she begins a long, hard journey of self-discovery and reinvention culminating in gastric-bypass surgery, only to find that love was never dependent on her size, to Stella Paskins at Egmont UK, in a two-book deal, for publication in Fall 2012, by Julia Churchill at the Greenhouse Literary Agency

I have had the privilege of reading SKINNY and it is ten kinds of fabulous. Congratulations, Donna!

Fellow Apocalypsie Miranda Kenneally's next two books were announced in the same bulletin. Here's a brief snippet:

Miranda Kenneally's PLAYING PARKER, about a 17-year-old girl and the inappropriate relationship she develops with the school baseball coach, and BAD, BAD THING, about a teen girl with strong Christian beliefs who can't get over the role she played in helping her best friend get an abortion.

I can't wait to read Miranda's debut CATCHING JORDAN. Really, really can't wait. YA + Football + Romance = Awesome. I know it. How can it not? Also. Have you seen the cover? LOVE it.

CATCHING JORDAN drops December 1st. Congratulations, Miranda!

Finally, two Apocalypsies' film deals were announced as well. I talked about Tamara Ireland Stone's deal last week. Congrats to Dan Krokos for selling rights to his YA Thriller FALSE MEMORY to RKO Pictures. This is another book I can't wait to get my hands on.

What a week, Apoxies! I'm so proud to be part of such a talented group.

3. BLOG TOUR - A shout out to Kari Olson for coordinating a blog tour for UNDER THE NEVER SKY through The Teen Book Scene.  I'll post more details when I have them. Thanks, Kari. I can't wait!

4. QUOTABLE FRIDAY - Last week, I went for inspirational. This week, we're going craft. We're going nuts and bolts, people. A reminder to me, and to you if you need it, about writing emotion. This is from CHARACTERS, EMOTION & VIEWPOINT by Nancy Kress.

In fact, naming emotions is usually a poor way to portray them. Even when authors say something like "Fear gripped him," the abstract naming is supplemented by other, more visceral techniques. This is because the aim is not to label the emotion; it is to make the reader experience the same emotion the character does.

Now go forth and don't name emotion, convey it.

ps. I'm feeling happy. Are you?

Sep 6, 2011

Cool Writerly Things & News

1. Story Masters - Three huge writing gurus. One weekend in Houston, Texas. Have you heard of this? Donald Maass, Christopher Vogler and James Scott Bell. It's like Woodstock for writers, people. Be there. If you can't be, then read their books, yes?

2. 826 Valencia - This is a non-profit founded in San Francisco by the brilliant Dave Eggers. Have a look at what they do. You'll be inspired. It'll make you feel good about the world again.

3. Moi - I wanted to tell you about all the awesome things I did this long weekend, but... I worked. A lot. Which was good. I got on a decent streak with the writing. Yesterday, I gave myself a break and played football in the street with my kids, my husband and their friends. You know what? Throwing a spiral feels so good. And it's much easier than writing a good scene. (I'm sorry, but it's true.)

In addition to writing Book Two, I've been asked to gather some of the world-building materials I used to create the UNS. I hope you find the behind the scenes stuff interesting. (Do you?)

Finally, Ivan is now, at eight months, up to eight pounds. Any guesses on how big he'll get? I'm thinking thirty pounds...

Sep 2, 2011

Quotable Friday

Van Gogh, Self Portrait 1889

Hi, all.

This week was all over the place for me in terms of writing productivity. I had a few days that were killer, and a few that were utterly wasted. So for Quotable Friday, I'm sharing one of my favorite quotes about persistence in art. It comes not from a writer but a painter, who also happened to be quite eloquent, as I think you'll see:

"But on the path I have taken now I must keep going; if I don't do anything, if I do not study, if I do not go on seeking any longer, then I am lost. Then woe is me. That is how I look at it; to continue, to continue; that is what is necessary. But you will ask: What is your definite aim? That aim becomes more definite, will stand out slowly and surely, just as the rough draught becomes a sketch, and the sketch becomes a picture, little by little, by working seriously on it, by pondering over the idea, vague at first, over the thought that was fleeting and passing, till it gets fixed."

Those are Vincent Van Gogh's words in his letters to his brother, Theo.

Next week--or probably sooner--I will work seriously. I will ponder and go on studying and seeking. I will continue. Because Vincent is right: that is what is necessary.

I hope, wherever your passion lies, that you choose to continue too.

Have a great long weekend.

And do try, if you can, to move like Jagger.

Sep 1, 2011

We Have A Winner

1. Winner! - First, thank you to all those who entered to win the ARC of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. A year ago, I had just signed with my agent. To think that the Microsoft Word document I was working on then is now a physical book is insane. It makes me so happy to know that you guys are looking forward to reading UNS. UNS is looking forward to being read by you!

Alas, I only have one ARC to send out. After a randomly generated number, Lauren of 365 Days of Reading is our winner. Congratulations, Lauren! Hope you enjoy it. (To be honest, I hope you love it. I do. I suppose that's obvious.)

To all those who didn't win this time, keep an eye out. UNS will be available on NetGalley soon. And if you miss it there, well, January 3rd will be here in no time!

Also, you are all winners. You know that, right?

2. I read an insanely good book recently by Laini Taylor. I know you're not surprised, because it's Laini Taylor. Dang, I'm so fangirl all of a sudden. But for reals. Her new book is amazing.

3. Fellow Apocalypsie and local girl, Tamara Ireland Stone, just hit one out of the park, scoring a film deal for her novel TIME BETWEEN US. Here's a description of the book:

A teenage girl falls in love with a boy from the near future who can take her anywhere in the world at the speed of thought. But while his unique ability to travel through space and time has brought them together, both know that time will inevitably knock him right back where he belongs.

Doesn't that sound great? Congratulations, Tamara!

4. Book Report -- Meaning the report on my book in progress. Still waging war against Book Two of the NEVER SKY trilogy.  I've got a long way to go, but I'm finally starting to win. If any of you writers out there are struggling right now, then let's just do a quick group hug. Sometimes it just ain't easy.

Thanks, all. Have a fun and safe Labor Day!

Aug 29, 2011

Monday Round-up

Just a quick update to share a few things that I think are very cool:

1. Lenore Appelhans is winding down another fantastic Dystopian August on her awesome blog, Presenting Lenore. Head over there for reviews and author interviews on some of the most exciting books on YA bookshelves, and on the horizon. If you like dystopian and/or post-apocalyptic fiction for teens, it's a must.

Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne
2. The Hunger Games Trailer on MTV's VMA's. (OMG, that was a lot of acronyms. LOL.) Have you seen it? It's really short. My favorite part is the voice over, to be honest. I think I'm going to like Gale. I also think I might have a thing for Australian male actors in general, but I digress. Are you as excited about this movie as I am? March 23rd cannot come soon enough.

3. For fans of Game of Thrones, check out this incredible mash-up of the opening title song. I think I've listened to it 130 147 times over the past day.

4. I have a Facebook Author Page now, which actually felt like a much bigger milestone than I had anticipated. Thanks to those who have followed. Much appreciated.

A quick reminder that I'll be giving away a signed ARC of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. To enter, either follow the blog or leave a comment. Two more days left--good luck!

Finally, what a relief Irene has come and gone. I hope those of you in her path weren't' affected too much, and that you're safe and sound.

Have a great week, everyone.

Aug 26, 2011

People Are So Cool & Quotable Friday

1. Y'all are leaving the nicest messages in the comments below, and via email, about wanting to read my book. I've heard from old high school buddies (Hi Adam and Rae!), writing friends (Hi Aimee, Elizabeth, Janis!), internet friends (Hi PB and Beth!) and people who are new (Hi everyone else! Welcome and hope to see you back.) Thank you for your support, guys. I so appreciate it. Good luck to all who have entered to win the ARC!

2. I'm going to try a new feature on Fridays and share some of my favorite quotes, on writing most often but occasionally about other things.

Here's one of my favorites to kick things off. This comes from agent and writing guru Donald Maass's book WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL:

Every protagonist needs a torturous need, a consuming fear, an aching regret, a visible dream, a passionate longing, an inescapable ambition, an exquisite lust, an inner lack, a fatal weakness, an unavoidable obligation, an iron instinct, an irresistible plan, a noble ideal, an undying hope… whatever it is that in the end propels him beyond the boundaries that confine the rest of us and brings about fulfilling change.

Great, huh?

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Aug 25, 2011

ARCs and ART and More!

1. ARCs! - Want to win an advanced copy of this book over here?----->
To celebrate the earlier release date of UNDER THE NEVER SKY (January 3rd, 2012! Mark you calendars!) and because of the tremendous response to the ARC contest at the YA Muses, I'm giving away a signed ARC!

To enter, just leave a comment below, or follow this blog. Contest ends August 31st. The winner will be announced September 1st. (Open internationally.)

2. ART! - What Do These Two Works of Art Have in Common?

Munch The Scream

Bernini's Pluto and Persephone

Head over to the YA Muses to find out!

3. Huge congratulations to my pal Gretchen McNeil on the release of her debut novel, POSSESS earlier this week. I just received my copy, and can't wait to dig in.

4. Looking for a good book? Check out these Bookanista recommendations!

Elana Johnson revels in Write Your Book Now!
LiLa Roecker  is gaga for Imaginary Girls
Christine Fonseca  celebrates Circle of Fire – with giveaway
Shannon Whitney Messenger catches The Eleventh Plague – with giveaway
Megan Miranda is transfixed by Between
Shana Silver delves into The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Corrine Jackson celebrates her “Blogiversary” with YA Authors sharing Lessons Learned
Stasia Ward Kehoe  falls for the cover of The Fox Inheritance

Aug 23, 2011

UK Cover!

First, thanks to those who came by yesterday. Welcome, fifteen new followers! I have another home on the web, but this is a much easier platform for me to keep updated. And I get to see your smiling faces here.

A week ago, my wonderful publisher in the UK released this gorgeous cover for UNDER THE NEVER SKY. Having an art background, I immediately thought of art nouveau print artist Alfonse Mucha, of whom I'm a huge fan. The cover composition, the circle in the background, the palette and romantic feel reminds me so much of modernized, but still somehow retro Mucha.

Atom, for the stunning cover, Muchas gracias. (I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself.)

Speaking seriously, I love it.

Aug 22, 2011

New Release Date

Hot off the press! UNDER THE NEVER SKY will be available one month sooner than planned. The new release date is January 3rd, 2012.

That means the following:
  1. I have less time to accomplish many, many things! Things I'm not even sure about yet, but I know there are many.
  2. I have one less month to wait - which means one less month to gnaw on my fingernails. (Which is great!)
  3. I can buy a copy for my mother for her birthday on the 4th of January now.
Switching gears, I also wanted to congratulate the winners of the YA Muses Blogoversary contest, IceyBooks and Elizabeth Briggs. I'll be sending them signed ARCs of UNDER THE NEVER SKY soon. They're the first people, outside friends and family, who I'm sending ARCs to, so it's rather special for me. Kinda like packing off the kids for their first day of school, which is coincidentally also happening over here. I do hope they enjoy it!

Aug 21, 2011

Here we go!

So here I am, officially blogging now. For those of you who are new to… umm… me, I’ve been blogging for a while over at the YA Muses, and more recently with Brave New Words. (So my last post technically wasn’t in 2010. That would be an utter disgrace. Cough cough.) But it seems things are heating up, with UNDER THE NEVER SKY only months out. So welcome to my new home for bloggy things.
Over the coming weeks, I’ll be posting a FAQs page and a page dedicated to NEVER SKY’s international publishers. (What else, guys? What would you like to know?) For the time being, here’s a little update on what’s going on.
1. I’m knee-deep in the second-ish draft of the second book in the NEVER SKY trilogy, THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT. I’m feeling the title right now. It feels like an eternal night, with long, long hours spent on this book. Some of my friends talk about their struggles with “book twos.” I don’t know what they’re talking about. This book has just poured out of me. Just like NEVER SKY. And the two drawer novels before that. I’m guessing my sarcasm isn’t coming across… This book has been tough. Really tough. But they’ve all been tough at the outset. I’m a reviser. I love everything from the third draft on, so I see clearer skies ahead. Oh yes I do.
2. I’ve been reading so much incredible YA fiction lately. It makes me so proud to be writing in this genre. A few titles I have on my nightstand right now: SHATTER ME by Tahereh Mafi, EVERNEATH by Brodi Ashton, DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE by Laini Taylor, LEGEND by Marie Lu, and INCARNATE by Jodi Meadows. Guys… I love my nightstand right now. I’ve finished a few of these, and I’m getting into the others, and they are all so incredible. I reviewed LEGEND over at the YA Muses (link below). I’ll get the other soon. Other books I need to read: THE NIGHT CIRCUS and THE GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS. In the midst of all of that, I’m trying to keep up on my New Year’s resolution to read more diversely, i.e. outside the YA genre. I’m halfway through an amazing Viet Nam book called MATTERHORN. It’s just gripping, and a breath of fresh, if humid and swampy, air amid all the YA-ness that is packed into my brain.
3. Summer is almost done. My boys are heading back to school this week. Sad and happy. Mama needs to work, but it’s been fun having the chaos of bare feet stomping through the house all day long. But fall also means football, which means guaranteed happiness on the weekends. Go Steelers!
4. Book news… There’s going to be a fair amount of this coming up. I need to clear it through the powers that be, but I’ll have big news to share soon.
So there you have it. Head back soon. I’ll be here!