
Sep 1, 2011

We Have A Winner

1. Winner! - First, thank you to all those who entered to win the ARC of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. A year ago, I had just signed with my agent. To think that the Microsoft Word document I was working on then is now a physical book is insane. It makes me so happy to know that you guys are looking forward to reading UNS. UNS is looking forward to being read by you!

Alas, I only have one ARC to send out. After a randomly generated number, Lauren of 365 Days of Reading is our winner. Congratulations, Lauren! Hope you enjoy it. (To be honest, I hope you love it. I do. I suppose that's obvious.)

To all those who didn't win this time, keep an eye out. UNS will be available on NetGalley soon. And if you miss it there, well, January 3rd will be here in no time!

Also, you are all winners. You know that, right?

2. I read an insanely good book recently by Laini Taylor. I know you're not surprised, because it's Laini Taylor. Dang, I'm so fangirl all of a sudden. But for reals. Her new book is amazing.

3. Fellow Apocalypsie and local girl, Tamara Ireland Stone, just hit one out of the park, scoring a film deal for her novel TIME BETWEEN US. Here's a description of the book:

A teenage girl falls in love with a boy from the near future who can take her anywhere in the world at the speed of thought. But while his unique ability to travel through space and time has brought them together, both know that time will inevitably knock him right back where he belongs.

Doesn't that sound great? Congratulations, Tamara!

4. Book Report -- Meaning the report on my book in progress. Still waging war against Book Two of the NEVER SKY trilogy.  I've got a long way to go, but I'm finally starting to win. If any of you writers out there are struggling right now, then let's just do a quick group hug. Sometimes it just ain't easy.

Thanks, all. Have a fun and safe Labor Day!


  1. I'm in the group hug big time. Have a great weekend!

  2. Hug back to you, PB. One word at a time, right?
