
Dec 7, 2011

Inkpop Chat & Kirkus Star!

Hey guys!

Less than a month to go until UNDER THE NEVER SKY is on bookshelves (or in e-readers). If any of you are wondering whether it's possible to run on adrenaline for weeks at a time, I can tell you that the answer is yes. I'm excited, nervous, excited, nervous. I tend to be a bit of an introvert, so it's been a lot of adjustment over here.

Thank you to everyone who has read the book, and responded with such enthusiasm. If I could give each of you a hug, I would. Unless you're not a hugger, in which case I would offer knuckles.

Here's a round-up of recent goings-on:

1. INKPOP CHAT - This afternoon at 5 PM EST, I'll be over at chatting about the world of UNDER THE NEVER SKY. I'd love to see you there!

2. A KIRKUS STAR - Kirkus gave UNS a starred review, calling the book "Inspired, off-beat and mesmerizing." Guys.... I can't even.... I never.... I mean.... I'm not sure that one is ever going to sink in. Ever. I love that they called it "off-beat." My goal in writing it was to just let go, and tell a story without being afraid of fitting it into a neat box. To see that quality praised (by Kirkus!) is just the coolest thing. Seriously, a star from Kirkus feels huge to me. ("I'd like to thank the Academy...")

3. I've posted a few new international covers for UNS. It's so fun to see how different countries interpret the story visually. I love them all. Each one is like seeing the story through a new lens. Check them out!

Finally, be on the lookout for a revamp of the blog soon. A good friend is helping me beautify this here site. Thank you, Lia!

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