
Dec 16, 2013

ITSB Contest Findings - and Winner!

Hi, guys,

The contest for the advanced reader copy of INTO THE STILL BLUE is now closed. I’ve ready every entry, and I want to thank you for sharing your lives with me. You’ve made me tear up and laugh. More than anything, you have made me so proud to be Team Human!

Here’s what you reminded me of:

You love your families and friends. You play Uno with your kids, and sew amazing dinosaur sweaters for them, and take the time to record their lives in pictures and scrap books. You love them unconditionally. You try to make your parents proud by doing well in school, and you listen—really listen—to your grandmothers. You love your husbands. You shout your love for your roommates to the world. You drop everything to help a friend who needs you. You are sounding boards and shoulders to cry on.

Kindness matters to you. You cheer up coworkers and even strangers. You shovel your sidewalk and then kindly do the same for your elderly neighbors. You open doors and help people who slip on ice back to their feet. You adopt pets from shelters, and tip your waitresses big.

Education is important! You’ve aced tests, sacrificed to go back to school, stay in school, pay for school. You’ve graduated with honors, or just managed to get a diploma while raising kids and holding down a day job.

Your own health and well being is a priority. You’ve run 10ks, and dropped lbs. You’ve won archery competitions (Perry says great job!) and worked at eating well. You quit smoking!

You are citizens of the world. You work in soup kitchens, collect coats and cans, and donate to charities that help people who need it.

You are artists and writers! You’re NaNo winners. Draft completers. Musicians. Painters. Playwrights. Creativity is important to you.

You are brave. You face your fear of spiders (which I TOTALLY get.) When your safety is threatened at home, even if it takes you five years to do it, you leave. You put yourself out there, when it wasn't easy. You know when to stick with the tough stuff when it would be so much easier to quit.


Again, thank you!

WINNER: Our winner, who was selected randomly from almost 700 entries, is Molly Jane Karp. Congrats, Molly!

Dec 13, 2013


Hi, everyone!

I was just thinking I haven't done a giveaway for an INTO THE STILL BLUE ARC yet, and I happen to have one sitting right here that's searching for a new home. Which means it's time for a contest!

Last year we did this for copies of THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT, and you guys blew me away. I ended up asking my publisher for more copies, so we could have more winners, and I'd love to do that again. So enter, enter, enter!

To do so, just fill in the blank:

The last thing I did that I'm proud of is ______ .

Like last year, your answer doesn't have to be flashy. It can be anything. Picking up a pencil for someone. Studying for a test. Whatever! Your answers won't have a bearing on who wins. What I want is for you to have an excuse to pat yourself on the back--and I want to hear all the reasons why you're amazing--because you are.

Enter on twitter by using the hashtag #ITSBcontest OR post in the comments below, OR on the Facebook page

Enter until end of day, December 15th. (Doing this quickly, because I'd like to send you the book by end of year!) I'll announce a winner on December 16th. (At which time I'll contact you for your email address, so no need to include it now.)

And, yes, this offer is open internationally because I love you all, regardless of where you live, goshdarnit.

Okay! I'll start us off:

The last thing I did that I'm proud of is… oh, gosh, this is tougher than I thought. Okay. The last thing I did that I'm proud of is create a funny family video for my cousin who was going into brain surgery the next day. I think it made her laugh. (And she's fine now!)

Your turn! And hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!