
Jan 30, 2013

Jan 28, 2013

Jan 24, 2013


A few quick things:

THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT is spending a second week on the NY Times Best Seller List which just... it's insane. Thanks so much. This is all because of you.

TOUR STOPS - I updated the list of appearances. Would love to meet you! Here's where I'll be.

CONTEST - if you entered the Arctic Kitten Cover Contest, thank you so much. You can check out all the amazing entries here. And, without further ado, the winning entry below was submitted by Elana. I love this. It's outlandish and adorable and I laugh every time I see it.

Isn't it purr-fect?

Jan 16, 2013



I just found out THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT debuted at #6 on the NY Times Bestseller list.

Dream = made

I'm a little bit incoherent and queasy at the moment, but I want to say, to YOU, thank you.

Thank you so much.

More soon.


Jan 14, 2013

Arctic Kitten Contest

UPDATE 1/24: And the winner is....

UPDATE 1/22:

Thanks so much to those of you who entered! You guys are amazing! To see all the entries, please go here.

I'll be adding a few more today, and plan to announce the winner tomorrow. This will be excruciating for me, because I LOVE THEM ALL. 

More soon!


Those of you who have read THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT know about this hit song from Reverie's favorite band, Tilted Green Bottles.

I'd love to see a design of what the single's cover might look like. Click here for the full lyrics to this most touching ballad. If you're interested in entering the contest, just send me a link to your artwork by Sunday night. (Post it below, or find me on twitter.) I'll mail a signed copy of TTEN to the best design.

And guys, this contest is INTERNATIONAL. Yes! Finally!

Thanks for entering! Oh - and one last thing: please let me know if you would NOT like your artwork shared on twitter/tumblr/etc. Otherwise, I'll assume it's okay to pimp your brilliance :)

- Veronica

Jan 7, 2013

TTEN Bookplates

So, tomorrow is the big day! The wait is almost over. I am so excited for you guys to read THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT.

Some of you have asked for bookplates. While I can't send them to everyone, I do have a little stack here of about 50. I'm happy to send them to those of you who have ordered the book. I don't need to see a receipt. Just, you know.... honor system.

If you'd like one, please send an email via the contact form with the subject: BOOKPLATE.

Then include your ADDRESS and any personalization information in the body of the email.

Got it?

Bookplate as subject. Address. Personalization info.

US only, please. (Sorry.) Please don't leave your info in the comments below. And I'll send them out as long as I have them, along with a bookmark.

Here's what they look like.


Jan 1, 2013


Happy New Year, everyone!

I hope 2013 is a terrific year for all of you. I'm still counting down over here... In exactly one week, THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT will be out in the world.

The TTEN blog tour starts today. I love the bloggers who participated in this tour. I had a blast working with them on their posts.

Here's the schedule. I hope you'll stop over and say hello to them, and check out all the fun stuff we put together.

Hosted by Ravenous Reader and Two Chicks on Books
1/1 Magical Urban Fantasy Reads Guest Post Talon interviews Aria

1/2 Bookalicious Guest Post- Roar’s favorite food and downtime activities

1/3 Taters Tall Tales Perry & Aria Interview

1/4 Once Upon a Twilight Five Things To Bring When You Visit the Tides

1/5 Pageturners Aria Interview

1/6 Two Chicks on Books Roar Guest Post- Roar interviews Aria

1/7 Literary Exploration Author Interview

1/8 YA Muses Release Day and Special Post

1/9 Reading Teen Letters between Aria and a Friend

1/10 Debbie’s World of Books Guest Post: What song sums up Aria’s journey so far and why?

1/11 Novel Thoughts Guest Post: Top 5 Realms

1/12 Katie’s Book Blog Interview and Review

1/13 Ravenous Reader Launch Party Post

1/14 Mundie Moms Q&A with Veronica

1/15 GC Reading Review with some teasers