
Mar 5, 2012

We have a winner!

Thank you to all who entered the German Trailer contest! I've loved reading all your comments. (And I think we can all agree that Google is indispensable.)

The winner, by random drawing, is Erin W. Congrats, Erin!

If you liked the German trailer, keep your eyes out. I've got something in the works that'll blow you away!


  1. can't wait to see what's in store!!!

  2. YAY! Congrats Erin! I <3 that girl :D So happy she won!

    And oooh, something in the works that will blow us away? *sits on floor with crossed legs and stares intently* INTRIGUED.

  3. Thank you so much! Can't believe I won until Brodie told me on Twitter. haha. Anyway thanks again! ;)

  4. Hi Erin! I shot you an email yesterday! Will try to resend. Congrats again!

  5. been checking your blog daily for any update on aria and perry! the suspense is KILLING ME. when, oh when???
