
Feb 1, 2012

Spanish Cover Reveal!

Check out the gorgeous Spanish cover for Under The Never Sky! I love the silhouette effect! For a peek at other international covers, head over to the UNDER THE NEVER SKY page and scroll down.

What do you think?


  1. Wow, I like that. It's got so much life! Question: does that translate to something more like Under the Eternal Sky? Or does my spanish stink?

    1. Thanks, Lolo! Yes, I think that's the translation :D Thanks for coming by!

  2. Are those supposed to be stars or snow?

    And I was wondering... do you, the author, get any say on what the covers look like in other countries??

    1. Hi Sallie - let's call it snowy stars :) I've been fortunate that most publishers have asked for my opinion--but I try to respect their vision. They know best what's selling in their countries, you know? Plus, I love seeing a variety of interpretations!

  3. Oh I like it!!! I want a copy for my shelf! LOL

  4. Muy distinta!....Me parece bien!

  5. A mi no! Me gusta mas la americana. Tampoco me gusta la inglesa.

  6. While I love this cover (and the UK cover with them curled around each other) I have to say that I prefer the US cover because I feel it doesn't give away the romance aspect of the story as much. Sure, the book description and buzz may imply that Aria and Perry are going to tie bonds with one another, it happens so late in the book that to have them on the cover together seems kind of silly. Does that make sense or am I being overly sensitive?

    That being said, though, this cover is simply gorgeous!

    1. Yea, I definitely agree with you about the relationship portrayal for this cover. I loved how Aria and Perry pretty much despised each other for a lonnnggg time before they came around to each other, and I think that's why their relationship was so refreshing. While I was reading, I would constantly ask myself, "are they going to end up together?" and I really wasn't too sure during some scenes, which kept me guessing!

      I also think it's interesting that they did a kind of risque silhouette of the characters on the cover. I feel like Aria, since at the beginning of the story she was so used to being covered up or hidden behind her Smarteye, she definitely would have been embarrassed! But this cover does show how, eventually, both Aria and Perry become one with nature or their "talents," by baring them to nature (trees and snow stars, :) ) in their kind of nakey form.

      I'm also more of a fan of the U.S. cover because of the aether design on the cover surrounding Aria, sort of afraid to touch her, like it's making a path straight through it because she's learning more about it.

      Sorry this was such a long comment!
